Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1880

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lncom,Taz, Titl, 1, RfJlleftu, Act 0/19!8- Continued. net income deductions allowed; exempt interest______________________ _ exchange, etc., of property _________ . specific money credit to domestic Uni~m~~--b~i~~-by -i;r~igJi companies.. ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ no duplications__________________ "_ special deductions for net losses____ _ credit for foreign taxes alloWed domestic companies _____ ~ _ __ _ _ gross income determined_____________ _ tax on mutual insurance companies other than life________________ _ rates ae other corporations________ _ gross income of mutual marine com- panies designated_____________ _ additional deductions allowed; in addition to reserve fund______ _ policy and annuity contracts ____ _ mutual marine companies, repay- ment_________________________ _ companies other than life or ma- rine; premium deposits returned_ nonresident alien individuals_________ _ normal tax on, if not resident of contiguous country____________ _ residents in contiguous countries; comJ?8nsation for personal serv- ices m United States__________ _ additional if net income exceeds family credits $4,000-- __ ___ __ _ _ on excess thereof________________ _ in lieu of other tax___________ --- gross income, includes only from United States sources _________ _ earnings from foreign ships, etc., exempt______________________ _ deductions allowed on income from United States sources _________ _ losses not connected with business_ casualty losses not connected with business_____________________ _ charitable contributions to do- mestic corporations, etc________ _ personal exemptions; for depend- ents, if of contiguous countries__ deductions and credits allowed; tax withheld at source____________ _ credits against taxes of foreign governments not aIlowed.. _ __ _ _ _ time for filing and paying_________ _ withholding at source___________ _ foreign corporations ________________ _ gross income includes only from United States sources ______________,__ exemptionsof ships underforeign ftag_ deductions allowed on income from United States sources; appor- tionment____________________ _ benefit of, by filing returns of all United States income ________ _ no credit for taxes of foreign governments________________ _ filing returns and payment of tax __ _ withheld tax at source__________ _ foreign corporations not deemed affili- ated with any other corporation_ possessions of the United States_____ _ gross income of citizens, etc., deemed from sources within United States______________________ _ INDEX. cxxix 845 845 845 845 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 846 847 847 847 847 847 847 847 847 847 847 847 848 848 848 848 848 848 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 849 850 850 Income TtU, Title 1; RfJIIenue Act 0/19!8- p .. .. Continued. possessions of the United States, g1'OII . income of citizens, etc. i ~ 80 per cent derived from Uni1ieQ States ~OD880urces------------ 850 if corporations derive 50 per cent from business therein__________ 850 if citizens derive 50 per cent from active business therein_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 850 all amounts received in United States included in________________ ~__ 850 Vlrghi Islands not included_______ 850 deductiona allowed citizens; domestio corporations_________________ 850 credits'· allowed citizens; domestic . corporations__ _ _ _ _ ___________ . 850 allowance of deductions and credits by filing returna of total income_ 850 no credit for tax of foreign govern- ments_______________________ 851 corporations not deemed affiliated___ 851 nonresidents of United States taxed only on income from United States sources_ _______________ 851 payment of taxes in Virgin Islands notaffected__________________ 851 China Trade Act corporations_ _ ___ ___ 851 credit allowed for proportion of dividends from residents .of China_______________________ 851 certificate of Commissioner ae to ~ial dividends__ _ __ _ _______ 851 diVIdends additional to all other pa~ents-------------------- 851 distnbution of, in proportion to stock owned__________________ 852 owne!,!hipof,~tock d~ned_________ 852 definition of China _____________ 852 no allowance for credit against tax of foreign government_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ 852 not deemed affiliated with any other divid~~rg:=\~d_e(ifM~groasb;c""o~e 852 of shareholders_______________ 852 assessment and collection of defi- ciencies__ ____________ _______ _ 852 deficiency is the amount taXed Imposed, exceeds taxpayer's return_ _ ___ _ 852 exceeds previous &BSe8llIIlent, if no return filed__________________ 852 notice of, to tlloXpaler; petition to Board of Tax AppeaIs for re- determination________________ 852 no allSe8llment etc., until notice mailed or petition filed_________ 853 injunctions by court procedure . allowed______________________ 853 exceptions and restrictions~ _ _______ 853 coll~tion Ofl found by'~_______ 853 dl$allowea amount Dot collectible__ 853 payment of, on demand if no petition filed ________________________ ._ 853 waiver of restrictions by taxpayer may be made________________ 853 aggregate amount of, to be de- termined by Board; conditions__ 853 restriction on determining additional, by Commissioner, exceptions___ 853 mathematical error in returns not a notice oL ______________ ~_____ 853 effect of. _______ __ ______ __ ___ __ 854 jurisdiction of Board over other tax- able years; limitation_ _ _ _ __ ___ 854