Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1886

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INDE..~. cxxxv lftdian ADair. Burdau, Interior J)epan- Pa.Ie. ment-Continued. deficiency ~propriation for Alabama and Coushatta Indiana, TeL._ __ 900 for Klamath Reservation, Oreg., for- est insect eQntroL____________ 900 for Consolidated Ute Agency, Colo., water system, employees' cot- tages, etc_____________________ 900 for COOlidge Dam, power plant_____ 900 for Fort Hall Reservation, Michaud di~ion______________________ 900 for Hogback irrigation ~roject, Nav- ajo Reservation, N. Mex_______ 900 for Middle Rio Grande conservancy projectl.N . Mex.;repayment_ 900,1640 for Hukeu Institute, Lawrence, Kans_______________ 90I, 1610, 1640 for com~nsation for crop damages, etc., Isleta Pueblo, N. Mex_____ 901 for Riverside School, Anadarko, Okla. 901 for school, Rivemde, Calif_________ 901 for Ichool,Bilmarck, N. Dak_______ 901 for conservation of health, etc., among Indians _____________ 901,934 for hospital, etc., Menominee Reser- vation, Wis___________________ 901 for parments, etc., Pottawatomie In- dians of Wis. and Mich., reap- for 8:e"TarmstroBot (talk):vii.tion:-M;;~t~-roii:d 901 construction______________ _____ 902 for bridge construction, Jemez River, Sia Pueblo, N. Mex___________ 902 for Lummi Reservation, Wuh., road construction_______________ ~__ 902 for Hoopa Valley Reservation, Calif., bridge and road_______________ 902 for Zuni Reservation, N •. Mex., road construction___________________ 902 for tabl~t at Medicine Lodge, Kans.• to commemorate holdfug Indian peace council, etc ____________ _ for Puyallup Cemetery, Wuh_____ _ for increuing grazing l'allges, etc___ _ 902 902 934 for diversion dam, Gila River Reser- vation, Ariz__________________ ·9 34 for fulfilling treaties with Navajoes, Ariz_________________________ 934 for Indians in Nevada ____________ :. 934 for Five Civilized Tribes__ 1617, 1671,1673 for Navajo and Hopi Indians, water supply______________________ 1617 for Gila River irrigation project, Ariz ___________ .. __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 1617 for support of Indians in Cali- fornia ___________________ 1617,1621 for support of Indians in New Mexico______________________ 1617 for establishment of telephone line, Flagstaff to Kayen~ Ariz_____ 1638 for Northern Cheyenne lte8erVation, Mont., surveys, etc___________ 1638 for Picuris Pueblo, N. Mex., compen- sationfor property,iltc.,I0888s__ 1638 for timber sales expenses__________ 1638 for mining operations, transfer to Geological Survey____________ 1638' for PtiTarmstroBot (talk) A~t01:17, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_~_a01:17, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~ 1639 for Western Shoshone Reservation, water supply _________________ 1639 for drainage assessments___________ 1639 for Flathead irrigation project, Mont_ 1639 54835°-29-PT 1-119 Indian AJTair. Bureau, IAt«'ior Deport- Pa.Ie. ment-Continued. deficiency appro~rlation for Claremore Hospita1l....0kla., construction_ - _ 1640 for Tacoma, wash., tuberoulosis hos- for cY:!;~'B;;;Ri~er-Bo~~-B:jjak~, 1640 construction ____________ _____ 1640 for day 800001, Turtle MOWltain, Reservation, N. Dak., construc- tion, etc______ _______________ 1640 motor bus servi~1 condition _____ 1640 for e~J>CIlIIM, of e~roumeDt of Indiana In Californl& ____ ~. __ ___ __ _ ._ _ 1640 for attorneys in claima of Wichita, etc., Indians ________ - '_ _ _ __ _ __ 1640 for Eutern Band of Cherokees, N. C ., tribal attorney __ _____________ 1641 for payment to Leah Frank of Creek equalization__ ______________ __ 1641 for payment of Creek equalization to deaignated penoD8_________ 1641 for ~::i:i~::01:17, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~__TarmstroBot (talk) 1641 for Shoahone, etc., Indians, trust patents______________________ 1641 for allotments of land on Shoshone Reservatioll, Wyo_____________ 1641 for Lake Andea, S. Dak., spillway, etc__________________________ 1641 for ~r capita payment to Menominee Indians, Wis. from tribal funda_ 1642 for Kiowa, etc., liO!pital, Okla__ .. __ 1642 for payments to Kiowa, etc., In- dians, from oil royalties trust fund________________________ 1642 for Clallam Indians, Wuh_____ 1671, 1673 for suppressing liquor traffic amon, Indiana _________________ 16 1,1673 for Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. 1671,1673 for salaries, 192\}J.under----------- 1681 Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex.; landa MSeII'Ved for__________________________ 717 AlabaIDAB and CoushaUas, Tens; lands purehued for, subject to mineral and timber reserva- tions_____ ___________________ 1186 Iillottees, dying without making a will; disposition 01 trust allotments of_ 161 Arapahoes and Cheyennes, Wyo.; time extended for filing suits by _____ 380 Bismarck, N. Dalt., School; purchase of adjoining lands for; price limit_________________________ 366 boarding schools; limit of cost of pupils in,re~ed------------------ 1534 Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Re..::rvations, N. Dak. and S. Dak.; time extended for paying installments due on ceded lands of_______ ~__________________ 400 Chippewa Indiana of Minnesota; ex- penses allowed attorneys in claims brought in Court of Claims _________________ .. ___ _ 424 Court of Claims if judgment forJ. to determine if trust funds of 1t.ed Lake Band, be used___________ 601 per capita payment from principal fund to enrolled members______ 314 village site permanently reserved for, on Chippewa Reservation_ _____ 684 Choctaws and Chickasaws, Okla.; ex- !-ension of .coal and asphalt min- mg leases lIl__________________ 737