Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1917

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elxvi INDEX. Miil'elaatIC MB'I'iM Ad. 19.a. . .. .. .ccmtiDued. PNI' . recomm~tMJu' to CoJlll'la for .... placement ~ uP-toodate. v..-. to:r h fnforeign trade_~_.,,.__ .. __ ,, _, , .~ _ ~_ _ _______ 680 to-lle~ u UliltecUJtaielarib ~bJeuae. for naval ormllltary , , ~t:..:.;_.:.......: __ .;.~l.~_:"_ 690 co~ loail fund· to ba.. -t uide. · . -dMVeIAIIII from .u.i;4Itc_ _ 690 to agrepte '125,ooo,OOO.:~ .. :.~:.._~__ 690 loaaa f!OlD. 'to. clthleu lor, lIb.p eOn.. .


typeL~uipmelit.. ;;11e1eto. ...;.",.'- __ __ 100 ooUl"1DID~""cf ..... : . .. ~. builti 'Wffh; bad en- . gInee.; 'fINU'b1ner,y. aildoollllller-' . .teeO~_~"!iC~.~i.-.-:Priv~-ar 691 navy yMde..: ._ :. ._ ._ ._ . _______ ~_ _ 691 term "veu:ebI" oue . aided·by__ .:_:..~;. _____ __ .. __ _ ~ .. _ - 691 tc .,. docuiDeated for 20 yeara'Un- del' UJiftedBta_ laws. etc_____ 691 time limit for loua from;:lD8t8llmen1i pa~ents-------------------- 691 repa1JllfinUa fUU ...ed"______ 691 in~rat6 on leaDS; wbJlebl aeast- wiie tDiaCti\'8;'in foreign t~_______ ~ _____ .: ___ .______ 691 Umit' _____,.! __ .. ____ ~_______ 691 security for completion of CODdruc- tioD and tepaymeot of Ioana___ 691 prefetted ~OD va.el when OGiIlpletecL.: • ..l.;.. .:;;. ___ • _____ ~__ 691 additiOnal covenaDta to be' pre- acnDed_____ . .: ___ _,_ __ __ ___ __ __ 691 wunmoe required apinR all iIl- lurable"'; pJaDiWll agree- ment., *'___ ..i._ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ 692 prior loana to remaia in force ______ . 692 ir.dditiooal appropriatiea of 1160,000,- 000, aut~ for credit to____ 692 DO further credit. to be DUIde__ _____ 692 to oontia1l8'. JeYolvtq.fundj repay- mellt. to beoreditecl thereto; in- ~ecJftlI8d iato the TJeuury _ 692 ocean maillerrioe provilioDa_______ 692-696 insuranoefuDd ~ for u.uranoe of Govermoent mtereat in vNlels, . ~t ., etc___________________ 697 erlent CJf bateJIst .-ted___________ 697 Go~ o8ieiaIa to we American .A Upe wbea Uaveling oveneu on ol6cUYbuaUu.a_ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ 697 if U1IiDC foJeip shipe, proof of __ m'yreq~~ __________ ~_____ 697 neceaary appropriationa autboriHd for proviliODll oUbis Act-. _ __ ____ _ 697 vesae1lj wbleb may be taken for oational defeJl8e _____________________ _ under COIltractfrom loan fund ____ _ under ocean-mail contract________ _ compensation, if bought__________ _ UI8d, but not purcbuecL _______ _ 697 697 687 697 697 roo co~ueDtial damalP'" to be paMt_________________________ 697 certiflcation of. fair, to CongI'8811 by the President_________________ 698 suit allowed if amount UDAtilfac- tory_________________________ 698 meaning of "foreign tnde" .. UlIeCl in thi. Act _________________ . __ _ 698 JI"claam MariM ~~/.IDS8-Continued. p .... loading 01' unla.amg at a port in any territory, deemed fozeign trade, if an intermediate in • foreign voyage______________________ 698 poliCY /;:':'::l7t TarmstroBot (talk) 698 cllocat.iOD 01 .hip operations among various porta_________________ 698 title..ot tAet_.:..:. :.. _____ .:______ ______ __ 698 adcl1tioDalloaM from conatru~lon loan . fud" autborized__ ___ __ _______ 889 JI.~'" :y",,,,-~ Shipping). Meridum Bi'ltiltJ1k. D. C.• ap~tion for improvement. etc_ 679, 1295 Men . ·I..ftDUNatior&al Mcmu7llt1l' • appropriation for .uperintendent___ 357.1378 M~JoIMC~ - appoiDt.ed aa .. Resent of Smithsonian Institution______ ________ ____ _ 2 Merrill, ho,u, B~ may conatru'" fNa footbridge aorOIS Fox River, near Algonquin, IlL_ 383 Merryville, L4., bridp autborized acroa Sabine River. .t__________ ~________________ 387 Mesa V"de Naticmc.l Park, Colo., appropriation far coonmtisaioner_______ 1110 for adItllniatIatio:b:'tc-~.------ 234, 1597 acceptance of- ex ve jurisdiction o,..... of.cededbyCOlorado__ 458 rights reserved to the State_ _ ______ 458 application of United &ate.1aWII_ __ 459 extnidWon offqWvedrom juatioe_ _ 459 aeipeel to Colorado judicialc:Umict_ 459 pUD1ab __ of ~..... . .- mat &ate ~._._____________________ 459 proh1b1;a01:22, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~ 459 TarmstroBot (talk)-:: :g~ pUDJeb......Ipedl_ -riDIatioDl of pro.wa........-...... __ uh__ 459 addltkmal.faulo""lDCndDa,etc_ 460 forfeiture of ~ .....,.. .lUeplly UIUdL________________________ 460 comml""aoel' of dJabtct court to be ap- pointed lor juriadloUon in:. _ __ _ 460 judieial powers of. in vioiatioDII of rules, etc..____________________ 460 appeaIa to diatrict court _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 460 procedure In criminal case8; balL _ 460 service of proee. by ma.rahal for ~e ~ct______________________ 460 summary arreata, if taken in act of pay TarmstroBot (talk)::-req~ire~i;-diBPWl 461 of fees, etc___________________ 461 payment, etc., of United States fees, etc__________________________ 461 deposit of fines and costa with clerk of district court_______________ 461 acceptance of cesaion________________ 461 Mescalero Agency, N. Mex., appr<Jp!iation for support, etc., of Indianaat ___________ 223, 1571, 1584 Mucalero 1Mia" Boapital, N. Me., appropriatloll forflupport, etc., of__ 221 .1581 Macalero Indian Re&Bn1Gtion, N. Mex., appropriation for water supply. to unalo lotted landa of_____________ 209, 1572 M UIleJtgCf' 8tmJice, Mail, appropriation for; accounting ______190, 1052