Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1918

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INDEX. clxvii • fItI,!"9ef' StII'rice, MtIIl-Continued. 1'.... deficlency appropriation for ___ 43, 936, 1620, 1650, 1672 Mallurgicol Prod"",, appropriation for investigating, etc., new prOClelllle8 in ____________ 92, 1123 Met8or'ologicallfWUtigationa, WeatMlt Bu. - reau, appropriation for expenses ________ 644, 1195 ••opolia,IU., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 33 MGia, Te:z., deficiency appropriation for public M«rican ~~::~~M~:--------- 1659 gratuitoua iBBue 0!J to persons entitled_ 500 JI«rican Boundary (;ommisBion, appropriation for expenses _________ 70, 1100 amount for direct expenditure by Geological Survey_____________ 70 deficiency approp'iation for _ _ _ 28, 1612, 1622 additional appro}:riation authorized for expenses of__________________ _ M e:ric43 'ruit Worm, 60 appropriation for cooperative expenses to oontrol spread 01. __ _ _ _ __ 565,1216 deficiency appropriation for coopGr- ative investigations, etc., of____ 12 M«rican Land Grants, N. Mex., exchanges authorUed of lands inl for additions to specified national forests_______________________ 431 Mexican Petroleum Company, deficiency appropriation for paying costs in the case of United States against _______________ _ M e:ric4n Service Medal, 21 gratuitous iBBue of, to persons entitled_ 500 Mexican Water Commission, appropriation for continuing work of__ Mexico, 75 appropriation for ambassador to ____ 65,1096 for Water Boundary CommiBBion_ 70, 1100 for general and mixed claims com- mission, United States and. __ 74, 1105 for expenses eradicating pink boll- worm of cotton in, etc _____ 565, 1106 for international commission on use of waters of lower Rio Grande, Colorado, and Tia Juana Rivers_ 1106 ap~ropriation for expenses, Water Boundary CommiBBion __ 28, 1612 28 28 use of contributions receivcd from_ transfer to Geological Survey___ _ for joint commiBBion with, on use of waters of Rio Grande_________ _ moneys from Mexico covered into the Treasury ________________ _ for general and special claims com- miBBiODB ____________________ _ consent of, required for bridging Rio Grande, at Donna, Tex_______ _ at Langtry, Tex _________________ _ at Los Indios, Tex _______________ _ at Presidio, Tex;.z to Ojinaga, Mexico_ at Rio Grande \jity, Tex __________ _ at San Benito, Tex _______________ _ at Weslacoz..Tex _________________ _ at Yalet&, Tex___________________ _ at Zapata, Tex __________________ _ steamship passenger tickets to, exempt from stamp tax ______________ _ 5d-835°-29-PT 1--121 29 29 913 1182 983 1183 116 1184 1181 471 1017 387 867 Me:zico City, Me:WA, 1',,_. appropriation for lIuperintendent, Amer- ican cemetery at___________ 3M, 1374 Miami, FIG., appropriation for reimbursement to, for improvement of harbor________ 358 for public building _____________ ISO, 1043 Miami, Mo.! bridge autnorized acrOBB MiBBOuri River, at___________________________ lq7 time extended for bridging Missouri River, at" ____ ~--------------- 1511 Miami, Okla., tenns of court at____________________ 1518 Miami RiHr, bridge authorized acrou, Lawrence- burg and Columbia Park, Ind__ 394 Michaud Division, Fort HaU ln4ian Rea- ervation, Idaho, deficiency appropriation for water service_____ __________________ gOO Michigan, agreement with Wisconsin for con- structing, etc., of bridge acl'OM Menominee River, between Marinette, Wis., and Menom- inee, Mioh., consented to by COn~--------------------- 300 Federal jurisdiction not affected____ 301 and Wisconsin may bridge Menom- inee River, at Marinette, Wis___ 303 holders of title for more than 20 years, etc., of tracts 01 publio land in, to have patent therefor________ 1188 corporations included__ ____________ 1188 may acquire, after completion, bridge acl'Oll8 Detroit River, at Btony Island__ __ ___ __ _____ __ __ _____ 621 Saint Clair River, at Port Huron_ 456, 1484 Michigan AlI6nlUJ NB., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., North Capitol Street to Monroe Street; from gasoline tax fund_________ 1272 Michigan AlI6nlUJ NE., D. C., m:t. relocation of, from Franklin I:nreet to Lincoln Road_________________ 1543 portion vacated transferred to grounds of Soldiers' Home_ _ _ __ 1543 part of Soldiers' Home groundll, to be transferred to Commissioners for street U8e8___________________ 1534 designated portion of, vacated, and reverted to owners of desig- nated~----------------- 1543 owners to dedicate described land to the Commissioners_ ____ __ ___ IS« transfer of parcel as part of Sol- diers' Home ground8__________ 1544 designated lands to be transferred to owners by Soldiers' Home commiBBioners________________ 1544 plat 8howing transfers to be prepared and certified by District IIU..- veyor________________________ 1544 to be recorded in office__________ 1544 relocation of tracks of Washington Railway and Electric Railway on__________________________ 1544 cost, and expenses to be borne by the Company; supervision of the work_____________________ 1544 amount authorized for paving, etc., made available for expenses of. 1544