Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1996

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INDEX. ccxlv Saint Elizabeth. Ho.pito.l, D. C-Contd. Psp. American citizens declared insane in Canada, whose legal residence not known, to be transferred to, for treatment__ __ ____________ 1495 when residence ascertained, to be then transferred there_________ 1495 may have hearing, etc., in District of Columbia Supreme Court as to mental condition_____________ 1495 Saint Elmo, Tenn., deficiency appropriation for paving GOvernment road, to Rossville, Ga__________________________ 929 amount authorized for pavin~ Govern- ment road from, to Rossville, Ga__________________________ 430 title for road, and maintenance to be accepted by Tennessee and Georgia__ ____________________ 430 Saint Franci., Ark., time extended for bridging Saint Fran- cis River, at__________________ 1255 Saint Francie Levee Di4trict, Ark., special assessments, based on estimates of benefits from local levee and drainage districts within, con- sented to____________________ 1410 State laws for enforcement made applicable_ __________ ___ ____ _ 1411 not applicable to Government land until purchaser, etc., entitled to patent_______________________ 1411 levy, etc., not to operate against the United States; and only in force when title has passed to entry- man________________________ 1411 all levies, etc., in accordance with Arkansas laws, confirmed, etc__ 1411 lands purchased by districts, under foreclosure of liens, to be pat- ented thereto on payment of price, fees, etc________________ 1411 in future foreclosure and purchase by the districts, to have patents iBBued on exemption of redemp- tion period.__________________ 1411 Saint Francie River bridge across, in Poinsett County, Ark., legalized_____________________ 442 time extended for bridging, at Saint Francis, Ark_ ________________ 1255 Saint Francie River and Tributaries, project for flood control of, to be sub- mitted_______________________ 538 Saint John River, bridge authorized across, between Fort Kent, Me., and Clairs, New Brunswick___________________ 1321 Saint J ohne, N. Dak., appropriation for public building___ 923, 1043 Saint Joseph, Mo., may bndge MiSBouri River~,between Buchanan County MO., and Doniphan County, kana_______ 54 Saint Jo.eph'. Roman Catholic Church, Baton Rouge, La'1 granted patent for land m former garri- songrounds__________________ 751 former reservation for military pur- poses repealed________________ 751 parcel of ground of, excepted from patent to Louisiana State Uni- versity______________________ 595 Saint Julien8 Creek, Va., Pap. appropriation for naval ammunition de- pot, public works_____________ 636 Saint Julien's Hospital, Saint IgnatiUS, Mont., payment to, for medic~ etc., services to members of .l.'lathead Tribe, Mont________________________ 222 Saint Lawrence River, bridge authorized across, near Alex- andria Bay, N. Y _____________ 1552 at Morristown, N. Y ., and Brock- ville,Ontario_________________ 1482 lights on boats navigating only on, to be prescribed____________________ . 593 Saint Louis County, Mo., bridge authorized across MiSBouri River, in___________________________ 962 Saint Louis Indian Mission Boarding School, Pawhuska, Okla., appropriation for support; renewal of contract __________________ 220,1580 Saint Louis-Kaneas City Short Line Railway Company, • may bridge Missouri River, at Arrow RoCk, Mo___________________ 1511 near Saint Charles, Mo____________ 1511 Saint Louis, Mo. appropriation for courthouse, etc., con- struction ____________ __ __ ____ 1043 defieiency appropriation for site, build- ing, etc., for courthouse, etc____ 918 for post office, etc., building________ 1661 Saint Louis River, reconstruction authorized of bridge acroBB, from Rices Point, Minn., to Connors Point, Wis_________ 286 Saint Maries, Idaho, appropriation for graves of national forest fire fighters buried at_ _ 553, 1203 Saint MarkB, Fla., town site of, to be surveyed into lots, streets, etc___________________ 254 appralsaldirected_________________ 254 on approval of, lots to be sold to highest bidder for cash; disposal of unsold lots at private sale___ _ 254 square reserved for town cemetery__ 254 selection by municipality for public park authorized______________ 254 Saint MarY8 River, Ohio, preliminary examination, for flood con- troloL______________________ 1164 Saint Paul, Minn., deficiency appropriation for new post office, etc., building at_______ _ Army property granted to___________ _ pnce; tune of payment, etc_______ _ 1661 956 956 proceeds to credit of military post construction fund_____________ 956 time extended for bridging_ MiSBiSBippi River, at Minneapolis and __ 293,1185 Saint Peter.burg, Fla., defiCiency appropriation for dredging

J.~:~__01:35, 25 September 2010 (UTC)! __TarmstroBot (talk)_~~: 1667

Saint Tammany Pariah, La., bridge a',lthor!zed across Bogue Chitto River, m_____________________ 753 removal when abandoned__________ _753 Saint Vincent'8 Home and Schooll.D . C., incorporated; name of Saint vincent's Orphan Asylum changed to____ 945 property vested in new corporation__ 945