Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2039

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crlxxxviii INDEX. WabCl3h River-Continued. PIlI9. change authorized of location of bridge across, from McGregors FerryI ID., to New Harmony, Ind., ana White County, TIL___________ 1406 WabCl3ha Bridge Committee, may bridge Mi88i88ippi River, at Wa- basha, Minn_________________ 282 Wabasha, Minn., bridge authorized acro88 MiBBissippi River,at_____________________ 282 Waccamaw Rivet', bridge authorized acroSB, at Reeves Ferry, N. C_ _____ ______ ______ 516 Wage Earner8, Employmenl oj, appropriation for agencies, etc., for aidinll____________________ 109,1130 Wahpeton, N. Dak., appropriation for Indian school at_ 218, 1579 deficiency appropriation for Indian school at_____________________ 47 Wakefield, Va., appropriation for care, etc., Wash- ington's birthplace_________ 358,1379 Walker River A gency, Nev., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at__________________ 223,1584 Walker River Indian Re8ervation, Nev., appropriation for irrigation project on_ 125~2 Wallace, Idaho, appropriation· for care of graves of national forest tire fighters buried at _________________ 553, 1203 Walter Reed Army H08pital, D. C., appropriation for additional buildings, etc__________________________ 334 deficiency appropriation for additional facilities_ ____________________ 36 for additions_____________________ 927 technical services_______________ 927 amount authorized for additions to___ 130 construction of nurses' quarters author- ized at ___________________ 748, 1303 location_ ______________________ 748 amount for ChapeL_______________ 1313 for additional facilities_____________ 1303 Wang Erh-Ko, deficiency appropriation for indemnity to China for death of._ __ __ __ __ 1651 Wapato Irrigation ProJect, WCI3h., appropriation for additional water sup- ply to allotments on Yakima Reservation, from; reimburse- ment_____________________ 21~ 1576 for Satus unit. _ _____ ____ __ ___ ____ 214 War Claims Act oj 19SB, Settlement oj. appropriation for protecting interests of United States under________ 1109 for expenses of executing provisions of, in Office of Judge Advocate General, Army _ __ ____________ 1352 deficiency appropriation for payments under_______________________ 914 for expenses of, l,nder Judge Advo- cate General's Office, War De- partment_ _____ ___________ ___ 928 provisions of. ____________________ 2 54-279 pay of two employees in eXCe88 of $9,OOO...~uthorized- _ _ _ _____ ___ 1645 War Claims ArtJiter (188 also Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928), provisions for determining claims of German nationals against United States _____________________ 256-260 War ClAim8 Arbiter-Continued. P- .e. provisions for determining claims of .\ustrian and Hungarian nation- als against United States_____ 263-265 of owners of vessels "Carl Diede- richsen" and" Johanne .. former German nationals_____ '~_______ 277 War CoUege, Army, appropriation for instruction expenses of ________________________ 328, 1351 War CoUege, Naval, appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 628, 1456 War Contracts, deficiency appropriation for settlement of Navy, etc_________________ 1648 War Department (3ee also Army), appropriation for military activities and other expenses _____________ 326, 1349 for Secretary, Assistants _____________ 326 for Secretary, ABBistant____________ 1349 for civilian personnel in the District_ 1349 for Office of the Secretary_______ 326,1349 no field service appropriation avail- able for personnel in office of ABBistant· Secretary ___________ 1349 for Office of Chief of Staff _ _____ 326, 1349 for Adjutant General's Office ____ 326, 1349 for Inspector General's Office____ 326, 1349 for Judge Advocate General's Office; employment of experts, etc__ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Finance_ ___ 326, 1349 for Quartermaster General's Office__ 326, 1349 for Chief Signal Officer's Office. __ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Air Corps __ 326,1349 for Surgeon General's Office _____ 326,1349 for Bureau of Insular Affairs ____ 326, 1349 for Office of Chief of Engineers; tech- nical, etc' 1 services _________ 326,1349 for Office of Cnief of Ordnance __ 326,1350 for Office of Chief of Chemical War- fare Service_______________ 326, 1350 for Office of Chief of Coast Artillery _ 326, 1350 for Militia Bureau_____________ 326; 1350 salaries limited to average rates under Classification Act ____ 327, 13110 if only one position in a grade_ 327, 1350 allowance in unusually meritorious cases _____________________ 32~ ~&50 restriction not applicable to cleri- cal-mechanical service ______ 327, 1350 no reduction in fixed salaries_ _ 327, 1350 transfer to another position with- out reduction _____________ 327,1350 pavment under higher rates per- mitted ___________________ 327,1350 transfers between appropriations for bureaus, etc., tomeet mcreases by reallocation __________ .. __ _ __ 1350 for Department contingent expenses_ 327, 1350 for stationery__________________ 327,1350 forpos~e stamps _____________ 327,1350 for printmg and binding for _____ 327,1350 for contingencies of the Axmy ___ 327, 1351 restriction on transfers of surplus _propert!------------------ 32~ 1351 for Militarxlntelligence Division_ 328, 1351 for Army War COllege__________ 328, 1351 for contingencies, headquarters of military departments, etc ___ 328, 1352 for Command and General Staff SChooL __________________ 329, 1352 for military post exchanges_____ 329, 1352