Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2046

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William8on, W. Va., 1>&&'8. I deficiency, e.ppropriation for p.ublic , buildiftg at__________________ • ' 34 Willox, JameB C., . land paten~t to issue to____________ -- " 1157 Wilmington.t 1Y. C., ' ,,' Federal roint Lighthouse Reserv~tion, . conveyed to, for a ~morial:to commemorate the Battle of Fort 'Fisher_____ '__ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ ~-- terms of court at______________ .. ; ____ _ Wilmington, Ohio, deficiency appropriation ·for public , 'bufi4ing at__________________ _ WilBon' Coiimy, Tenn.,' ' b .ridl8 authorized across Cumberland , River, in Trousdale COunty and_ Wilson! N. C., defictency appropriation for public building at_____ ~ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ terms of court at; rooms to be }1rovided_ Wi~,M(H• .,- defieiehoy . - apJIIDpriMiOD for' public , 'bQlcfiffg'&t__ ~~ ___ '_ _' _ _ ~ __ _ ,;.~~_ Wind Call' National Park, S. Dak.., , appropriation for administration, etc__ deficienoy a]>propriation for________ .! . __ Wind lliv", Indian Reaervtlltitm' (see· GUt1 , Shoshone Indian Reservation, Wyo.), " , appropriation "for "irH""tlon ;sy8tem; , erleDSionof C&Jl&ls, ete___ ~ _ __ _ 1066 495 34 416 34 495 34 235, 1598 1621 214, 157G deficie~y :appropriation for allotments to unaUotted lndians 08 ___ .. __ 899 Windtr, Buildiflf1, D.a., '" ,.' , . ' , appropriation for installation of electrio elevator in.: _____,__ .:~J ___ _ .. _ __ 583 Windom Place NW."D. C., ' ; , , ; , app-o- -.fatlon for, p&'9'ing, etc., Thirty- Gghth; Street to .W:iscowlin' Ave- . " nU8; froDl J~asoline 1iall) funci- ___ 1269 'Winnebago Indian H08pitQJ,;NtIn';, .,' appropriatiouf()r ma1n*enance, ete., of~ , X-rayequipment ______ .. . _•• 221, 1581 for improvementfl,.etc __ • _ __ . _ __ _ _ _ 1581 Wianebaglr'~rib6 u/ Irwlial'lB,. ', ,all claims of, against ·United.States,not heretofore determined, to be ~d" -' judioated, by Court of Claims__ 1027 prboeidure, etc___t _,_" __ _ ~~.:. ____ ~ _ _ _ 1027 attorneys', fees, ,etc., to, be .fi~d· by courl.:.:. _______ '__ ... ~"'~ __ • __ _ _ __ ,1.028 disposal of &mounts recovered; taxing of costs________ ~ __ ,__ _ __ . .. ___ __ 1028 court expe~. payable from tribal fund8___ ~ __ • __ _ _ __ ~---------- 1028

Winnemucca, Nev.,. :

deficiency appropriation for purchase \>f ~nd, etc.,' for lndian colony. near_~ _____ ~~ ____ ____ __ ----- 899 purchase of land in viciwty of, author- . ized for an Indian colony______ 618 amou,nt for mo'Ving CIl-binl!, e~c__ __ 618 Winslow, Francia.A ., JudgeJor llewYork Southern ,/ild~. Di8trict, Bubcoml[littee of' JudiciarY of House of . Representatives dire~ted to ,in- qup-e in.1iP o,1fi.eial conduct of. _ _ 1325 to rePort to the ComInittee whether the judge believed to be guilty of, acts of;:Wgh crimes .and mis- demeanors under the Constitu- tion_________________________ 1325 94835°-29-PT 1 -129 Winslow, Francia A., JudgeiorN{Jw l':ork ;I.'&~ Southern Judicial DistriCt.:..;,..oon . subcommittee of J~diciary of lloUaeof.. .; RepnlllentatlVt¥l; powe~,.()f. to hold meetinp, ~'oaths, etc_________ ~"'\------- ...~ .. - . - , . . ,,1326 to report to Ju4ioiuy CQ~ttee,,~ ,~ij25 the 71st CO~---.TarmstroBot (talk).-,--,..;, ..,0 expen~ ,authoriHd fl'?~ the llouse . contlOgent fund; bmlt. _ __ ~___ 1325 Wireless Communication (su RadIo \.iOlD- mlUlication), Wisconsin, agreement with Michigan, for· COIIatruc- tion, etc;, of bridge, acrou , Menominee River, between Mar- inette, .Wis., and Menominl!l', Mich., consented ,tto" Dr, Coo~" gress____ :... ___ ~_~,,;.._~_..:x.; ...~;.;__ 300 Federal jurisdiction DOtaffeeted.. _ _ '- .; 301 and Michigan may bridge' Menominee River, ~ Marinett;e_,J-' .. _.~ __ :, 301 bridge authorbeci ,1ICrOIIII &iint CroP: River, at Stillwater, Minn., by ,Minnesota and_____ ,,".;... :..;:l.;:;l..~;.: 1172 designated tracts of land eonv,eyed to; ,0 ' for State park_____________ .. __ 417 price, description, etc___ ... ~ .. _"'.: ___ ~ "17 may acquire;·· after eompletion, ,bridge acrosS Saint Crom RiTer, near Grantsburg_;.. __ •• _.~_~_~~ .. ~__ 703 Mississippi River, ~t Alma" Wis.: __ •


at Cassville______ •. -- .. -,- .... .;..:. .. .; ..1 " 294 atJ.Ill!ins,Iow....... ..; .. __ .. . .. .. ,._ __ ,280 at Prairie du Chien _________ .-~.:_ 199 may &TarmstroBot (talk)tfin&~er;-;.t!'~: 282 ville ____ .. . ______ • _____ --'--~.,.~, ,lJ~ Wi8consin A_ue NW., D. C., ,,'" ' .... : , appropriation for widening, e~.J"Rive.r Roadto~tr.i.ct.line; IroIJ1. p,eo~ line!4x fun4_,"1 •. _,_~~- .. . __ -~-~-- '653 relo<:atlQI;l of car u-acksi ref~_~,- ,653 . for paving, etc., M to Water, Streets; ., from gasollOe~x fUJ¥L.~_--.__ 1272 use authorized of d8ll1gnate<i UOveru- n;wlnt landfor W\4ening--- ___ _. ", 134~i ~:=~fe1t~:I~~ti :f~~.~:·· .

. d~et a\lthprJseAJo "~' ~P~r.i-"

' f I.\eiI1- __ .... .;_~ ... !:;..,~.;,-,-,!-<- .. - - ; ., - - 159 Wise1Mri, WiUiam, B~ViC6 COMUl, deficieocy' 'PPro~ tfVr.'payment '. ,to. :Great. Briti reeolBitlon - ,of services 01. __ ____ ___ .:_ -' __ 912 payment dirccted to at Britain,in recognition of,.senooe. ';of,· .10l" Aroericaainterest.:ia Mexico.. _. oi89 Witne8ses, United States COUn., 'l " ... \ ',(",if appropriation for. mile&&e: and. pW·. :IJ:

.diems, subsistence,: etc...: . . _.. .. , , _ 81, 1111

deficiency appropriation for'....: .. _. : • .:.:. _ '. - 47, . , ": ,9M.;1617, 1671 Wittenhrg, Albert, ' ,',.,:, payment to Germany, for hei.,vof; 'de- ce~d',!hile ~man in Ani.erieu: merchaiit manne______________ 414 WoIJ Point, Mont., .' time extended for bridging Miasouri River at_______ ___ ______ _____ 11 t W9we8, ',,'."" ', . appropriat.lon for deviSing methods for destroying ________________ 559, 1209