Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2049

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cexoviii '"- lNDEX. World Wor V~' ,Act, 1984, At"..,.. , R-. ~-iQUeci. " termy~rly~iialUftDOe",o ~:'i'; ClODvert.ed notlMer July 2,1927; payJDent of,:,iiD" bitiaUioentsj aun MIQUIlt...suy ;IIGCUW~ 969 ather pro~lsi0D8lf)r, auihoIizech.__ 969 basla of calculations_________ .. ,;;____ 969 ehaqee CIf. be.oefioI&l1ee 'at 8I\Y~e al101{ed,,permitted olM8ea__ 969 ~,t() eiWe;it DO Uviug.bime-- 1t==~ui$O;t;tDi 969 all i~ _____,_ •• _____ .;_ 969 no payme$ ~--tet If uDder State lam it would ..cheat_ • .; __ ,;,,;,___ 969 eaobwot "to. United States} &ad CNdlted to We'ialuraoce lund_ _ 969 optional lump awn,etc., paymeots may,be provided for. __ _ _ __ ... ... _ 970 eleotiOQ of-beneficiary to ~ve lD- . ~Jlt~ota, autbort.ed. 970 effeotiva.·of JUDe 7f ·IAIfal... ___ . . . . .:. ': 970 insur&DOe in any multbie cI '500, 'ADd, not leu than '1,000, may be granted ~ OI1e who baa apo ~~!'I ete!.01:44, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~ 970 healflb reqU1NlD8llt; lliDlted to , $10,000. ___ ;. ____ .;".;.· .. ________ 970 restriction, ,1I·f~r. 1bauranee IUr- . renderedfor.CMh__'___________ 970 applioable only for World War mil- itary or navalaervioe__________ 970 provisions authorized of cn.bWty be~ fit. to. ,lDaureci, .totally diaabled ' for 13 mooth8! ~•.thoulh per- 970 ~tl.y and '1OIalI, diMbJed__ deotive date of disability, ,etc______ <170 inde~n*of"othez\ benefits;. .pze.' , JDluma ~ed~ _______ .. ___ _ ..; __ 970 inauraa~ polley to> app~y when in- , aured no lonpr totally diaabled_ other rights n~ pzejudiced______ .i __ co~tio... for P,Dtln3 the benefits. _ , monthly preuuuma.required_____ _ 970 970 970 971 ,lapsed iIlllUl'&Me' .eft'eot of, uncollectible .• compenaatfon..:. __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ,. ..;_ _ 971 Wright Coum'll, Minn.,' " time extellded for bridging MiMiasippi , Rive~ at Clearwater, by, ~te_ 118, 1527 Wright Field, UOf/k1fl OIriO, ;, . , defioieDey app~at(~n fC1t tranaiel' of Army Air Corps testing ~nt to. 928 amount authoriaed for transfer of Air Corp. e~ntal, ete., plant to permanent site at__ ~ _ __ ..r___ 299 Wright,W~tmd omll't, " . .. ' CongreMional committee to atteJ)d tIn- . veiling' of memorial~\, Igtty Hawk, N. C .t to eo~funcSra~, first llUeoeaful a!·D~of.. at Kill Devil Hill _____ ~.:.~~_:.:_~ 1020 Wrightlt1ille, P~., "'. .:': ..: time extended for brJdgi,ng, Susqtie- ba~a River,,~tw~n Coluinota ., and__~,.".----..,,. .. - ... ~ ..'"\-~ ... - .. -- 113 WritB 01 Error, VniUd SUatIM'Cowte, " abolished in civil and criminal ea.& _ -- reUef o~ta1nabI. by apP84'!s- _•• _ __ . .: procedure.hw appetij C&se8 ____ .. ____ _ 54 54 54 , review of jud,gments qf State oourts. allowed in same torm as for __ . 54