Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/277

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226 Saint Croi x Chip- pewas, Wis . Pur chase of l and for, etc . Vol.10,p.1109. Vol.38,p.606. Proviso . Discretionary cash payment. Menominees, Wis. Per capita payment to, from tribal funds . Pensions Bureau . Army and Na vy Army and Navy pensions, as follows : For invalids, widows, minor pensions. children, and dependent relatives, Army nurses, and all other pen- sioners who are now borne on the rolls, or who may hereafter be placed thereon, under the provisions of any and all Acts of Congress, $210,000,000, to be immediately available : Provided, That the appro- priation aforesaid for Navy pensions shall be paid from the income of the Navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be sufficient for that Separate accounting . purpose : Provided further, That the amount expended under each of the above items shall be accounted for separately . SAL ARIES Provisos . Navy fr om funds . naval Commissioner, and office personnel . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 137 . 1928 . To carry out the provisions of the Chippewa treaty of September 30, 1854 (Tenth Statutes at Large, page 1109), $10,000, in part settlement of the amount, $141,000, found due and heretofore approved for the Saint Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, whose names appear on the final roll prepared by the Secretary of the Interior pursuant to Act of August 1, 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, pages 582 to 605), and contained in House Document Numbered 1663, said sum of $10,000 to be expended in the purchase of land or for the benefit of said Indians by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs : Provided, That, in the discretion of the Commis- sioner of Indian Affairs, the per capita share of any of said Indians under this appropriation may be paid in cash . The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, under such rul es and regul ations as he may p rescri be, to make a $200 per ca pita payment to the Menominee Indians of Wisconsin from their funds on deposit in the Treasury of the United States, a sufficient amount of which is hereby appropriated for the purpose, to be immediately available . BU REAU OF PEN SIONS For the Commissioner of Pensions and other personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with " The Classification Act of 1923," $1,165,000, of which $15,000 shall be immediately available . GENERAL EXPENSES Offi ce expe nse s, travel, etc. For exp enses of spe cial i nvesti gation s perta ining to the Burea u of Pensions, including traveling expenses of persons detailed from that bur eau f or su ch p urpos e, pu rchas e of supp lies and equip ment for f ield u se, co pies o f reco rds an d docum ents, and re imburs ement of cooperating governmental agencies for expenses necessarily incurred in co nnecti on wit h such inves tigati ons ; also in cludin g not to exc eed $1,000 for necessary traveling and other expenses of the commis- sioner or employees of the bureau assigned, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, to official duty in connection with the annual conventions of organized war veterans, $110,000 . For fees and mile age of examining sur geons engaged in the examination of pensioners, for services rendered within the fiscal years 1928 and 19 29, $4 50,000 . Examining surgeons. Retirement Act . RETIREMENT ACT Expenses of Bureau under.

To en able the B urea u of Pensi ons to pe rform the duti es im posed 44, p. 912 p. 619; Vol. upon it by the Act entitled "An Act for the retirement of employees in the classified civil service, and for other purposes," approved May 22, 1920, as amended, including personal services, purchase of books, office equipment, stationery, and other supplies, traveling