Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/294

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CHs. 137-139 . 1928 .

243 FREEDMEN'S HOSPITAL Freedmen's Hospital . For officers and employees and compensation for all other profes- Salar ies, etc . sional and other services that may be required and expressly approved by the Secretary of the Interior, $142,000 ; for subsistence, fuel and Contingent expenses . light, clothing, to include white duck suits and white canvas shoes for the use of internes, and rubber surgical gloves, bedding, forage, medici ne, med ical a nd surg ical su pplies , surgi cal ins trumen ts, ele ctric lights, repairs, replacement of X-ray apparatus, furniture, motor- propelled ambulance, including not exceeding $200 for the purchase of books, periodicals, and newspapers for which payments may be made in adva nce, and not to exceed $1, 000 for the in struction of pupil nurses, and other absolutely necessary expenses, $80,500 ; for Additional buildings, an addition to, and remodeling of, the nurses home, including neces- etc . sary equipment, $150,000 ; for remodeling and enlarging power plant, Post , pp . 904, 1644 . including necessary equipment, $52,000 ; for remodeling and enlarging dining room and kitchen, including necessary equipment, $32,000 ; for enlarging employees' quarters, $8,000 ; for installation of new elevators, $10,000 ; in all, $252,000, including cost of advertising for proposals, preparation of plans, and supervision of work ; to be immediately available . In all, for Freedmen's Hospital, $474,500, one-half charged to of which amount one-half shall be chargeable to the District of the Di str ict . Columbia and paid in like manner as other appropriations of the District of Columbia are paid . SEC. 2. Appropriations herein made for field work under the Fie ld wo rk appro- priations available for General L and Office, th e Bureau of I ndian Affairs , the Bureau o f e w tork animals, vehicles, Reclamation, the Geological Survey, and the National Park Service shall be available for the hire, with or without personal services, of work animals and animal-drawn and motor-propelled vehi cles and equipment . Approved, March 7, 1928 . March 7, 1928 . CHAP. 138 .-An Act To approve Act 25 of the Session Laws of 1927 of the [H . R . 84 .] Territory of Hawa ii, entitled "An Act to authorize and pr ovide for the manu- [Public, No . 101 .] facture, maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within Waim ea and Kekaha, in th e District of Waimea , on the island and in the county of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii ." Be it enacted by the Senate a nd House of Re presentatives o f th e United St ates o f America in Congress assembled, That Act Num- Hawaii . Qrant of electric bered 25 of the Session Laws of 1927 of the Territory of Hawaii, franchise on Kauai entitled "An Act to authorize and provide for the manufacture, land, appro ved . maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within Waimea and Kekaha, in the District of Waimea, on the island and in the county of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii," passed b,~' the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii and approved by the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii on March 26, 19 27, is hereby approved : Provided, That the authority in section 15 Amendment subject of said Act for the amending or repeal of said Act shall not be to approv al by Con- held to auth orize such ac tion by the L egislature of Hawaii except grass' upon approval by Congress in accordance with the Organic Act . Approved, March 7, 1928 . March 7,1928 . CHAP. 139.-An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing [H . R . 7948.1 the construction of a bridge across the Delaware River at or near Burlington, [Public, No . 102.] New Jers ey . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the time for commencing and completing the construction of the bridge authorized Delaware River .