Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/299

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. Cns. 149-151 . 1928 . March 8, 1928 . [H .R . 7213 .] [Public, No . 107.] CHAP. 149.-An Act To grant authority to the Postmaster General to enter into contracts for the transportation of mails by air to foreign countries and insular posses sions of the United States for pe riods o f not m ore th an ten years, and to pay for such service at fixed rates per pound or per mile, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Foreign mails Ten-year c' contracts United States of America in Congress assembled, That when, in his authorized for traps- j portation of, by air . judgment, the public interest will be promoted thereby, the Post- Post, pp . 692, 1449, master General is authorized to enter into contracts for the transpor- tation of mails by air to foreign countries and insular possessions of the United States for periods of not more than ten years, and to pay for such service at fixed rates per pound or per mile; and the Postmaster General is hereby authorized to award such contracts to the bidders that he shall find to be the lowest responsible bidders that can satisfactorily perform the service required to the best advantage Proeirat. Mil e rate limite d . of the Government : Prov ided, That the rate to be paid for such Mil service shall not in any case exceed $2 per mile : And provi ded fur- Decision of Post- ther, That in the award and interpretation of the contracts herein master General final . authorized, the decision of the Postmaster General shall be final, and not subject to review by any officer or tribunal of the United States, Regu lation s to be ex cept by the Pres ident an d the Fe deral co urts . issued. SEC. 2. The Pos tmaster General shall ma ke and i ssue suc h rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Approved, March 8, 1928 . March 8, 1928 . [H.R. 204.] CHAP. 150 .-An Act To authorize an additional appropriation for Fort [Public, No . 108 .]

McHenry, Maryland. Fort McHenry, Aid . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Add iti ona l authori- United States of Am er ica in Congress assembled, That the sum of zation for expenses of establishing, as a na- $81,678 is authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the tional park. Post, p. 929.

Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for further carrying out the Vol . 43, p.1109. provisions of the Act, approved March 3, 1925, chapter 425 (Public, Numbered 543), entitled "An Act to repeal and reenact chapter 100, 1914 (Public, Numbered 108), to provide for the restoration of Fort McHenry, in the State of Maryland, and its permanent preservation as a nat ional park and p erpetu al na tiona l memo rial shrine as the birthplace of the immortal Star-Spangled Banner, written by Fran- cis Sc ott Key, for the appropr iation of the ne cessary funds, a nd for ot her purposes," app ro ved March 3, 19 25 (Forty-third Statutes at Large, page 1109) . Approved, March 8, 1928 . March 8, 1928 . [H. R . 230.1 CHAP. 151 .-An Act To authorize an appropriation for the recovery of [Public, No . 109.]

bodies of officers, soldiers, and civilian employees. Army.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Paying expenses of United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is recovery of . etc, authorbodies o f her eby auth oriz ed to be app ropr iate d, out of any mo ney in the officers ,

. ized.

Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sum as may be necessary Post, p . 1375 . to pay the expenses incident to the recovery of bodies of officers, cadets, United States Military Academy, acting assistant surgeons, me mbe rs of the Ar my Nu rse Corps, wa rr ant officers, enlisted men and civilian employees, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may pre scri be . Appr oved, Mar ch 8, 1928 .