Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/391

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 232. 1928 . nurses, not including the Army Nurse Corps, and of cooks and other civilians employed for the proper care of sick officers and soldiers, und er s uch regu lati ons fixi ng t heir num ber, qua lifi cati ons, as sig n- ments, pay, and allowances as shall have been or shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War ; for the pay of civilian physicians employed to examine physically applicants for enlistment and enlisted men and to render other professional services from time to time under Transporting me d- proper autho rity ; for the pay of other employees of the Medical Department ; for the payment of express companies and local transfers employed directly by the Medical Department for the transportation of medical a nd hospital s upplies, incl uding bidders' samples and Hot Sprin gs Hos- water for analysis ; for supplies for use in teaching the art of cook- ing to the enlisted force of the Medical Department ; for the supply of the Army an d Navy Hospit al at Hot Spr ings, Arkansas ; fo r a dve r- Proviso .

tising, laundry, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses of the History r ea,arl'with Medical Department, $1,251,197 : Provided, That no part of this Germany forbid den . appropriation shall be used for payment of any expense connected with the pub lica tion of the Medi cal and Surg ical His tory of the War with Germany. ical supplies, etc . pital, Ark . Canal Zone. Care of t roops at Panama Canal Hos- pital . Proviso . Subsistence ments. Arm y Medical Mu - seum . Preservation, etc., of specimens.

For Army Medica l Muse um, p reserv ation of sp ecimen s, and the preparation and purchase of new specimens, $8,500 . Library . LIBRARY, SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE Purchase of books . For the library of t he Surgeon Gen eral's office , including the purchase of the necessary books of reference and periodicals, $19,500 . Insular Affairs Bu- reau . Care of insane sol- diers. In the Philippines. In Porto Rico . pay HOSPITAL CARE, CANAL ZONE GARRISONS For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable charges, exclusive of subsistence, as may be approved by the Secretary of War for caring in its hospita ls for office rs, enl isted men, mi litary prison ers, and civilian employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request of proper military authority, $40,000 : Provided, That the subsistence of the said patients, except commissioned officers, sh all be paid to said hospitals out of the appropriation for subsistence of the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation of rations for enl isted p atients in ge neral h ospital s . ARMY MEDICAL MUSEU M BUREAU OF INSULAR AFFAIRS ARMY CARE OF INSANE FILIPINO SOLDIERS For care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums i n the Philip- pine Islands of insane natives of the Philippine Islands, conform- able to the Act of Congress approved May 11, 1908, $400 . CA RE OF INSANE PORTO RICAN SOLDIERS For care, maintenance, and treatment at asylums in Porto Rico of insane Porto Rican soldiers of the Forty-second and Sixty-fifth Regim ent of Infant ry, $50 .