Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/416

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Filipin os form erly e nlisted as mem bers of the N ational Guard of Haw aii for field and armory training during years 1924 and 1925, and to validate payments for such training heretofore made . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hawaiian United States of Amer ica in Co res s assemb le , That t he Se cre- Pa went to off ice rs tary of War is hereby auth orized to p ay of ficers of t he Ha waiian and Filipinos of, for National Guard and Filipinos who were formerly duly enlisted aS training in 1 924 and 1925. members of the Hawaiian National Guard, for field and armory Post, p. 729. training during the years 19 24 and 1925, and for which training they have not been paid because the enlisted Filipinos were not Vol. 42, p. 1033; Vol. citiz ens of the Unite d Sta tes, a s req uired by sections 57 and 58 43ppoc Payments vali- of the National Defense Act, as amended. All such payments hereto- dated . fore made to officers and enlisted men of the Hawaiian National Guard are hereby validated . Appro ved, March 23, 1928 . [Public, No . 182 .1 National March 23, 1928. CHAP . 234 .-An Act Extending and continuing to January 12, 1930, the [S . 2021.) provis ions of "An A ct auth orizing the S ecretar y of th e Inte rior to determ ine an d confirm by patent in the nature of a deed of quitclaim the title to lots in the city of Pensacola, Florida," approved January 12, 1925 . Be it en act ed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to determine and con firm by patent i n the na ture of a deed o f quitcl aim the title to lots in the city of Pensacola, Florida," approved January 12, 1925, be, and the same are hereby, extended and continued to January 12. Prov so. 1930 : Provided, That there be paid to the register of the district land Fees from applicants . office a fee of $5 for each lot described in an application for a deed of quitclaim under the said Act, which fee shall be considered earned irrespective of the action taken on the application . Approved, March 23, 1928 . CHAP . 240 .-Joint Resolution to change the name of the Ancon Hospital in the Panama Canal Zone to the Gorgas Hospital . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in recognition of his distingu ished se rvices t o humani ty and a s a fitt ing perp etua- tion of the name and mem ory of M ajor Gen eral Wil liam Cra wfor d Gorgas, from and after the passage of this Act, the Government hospital within the Canal Zone, near the city of Panama, heretofore known as the Ancon Hospital, shall hereafter be known and desig- nated on the public records as the Gorgas Hospital . [Public, No . 183.) Public lands . Pensacola, Fla . Tim e ext end ed for determining titles to lots in . Vol. 43, p. 738 . March 24, 1928 . [H.J. Res.175.] [Pub . Res. No. 16.] Army . Na me of Ancon Ho s- pit al, Canal Zone, changed to Gorges Hos- pital. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CHs. 232-234,240 . 1928 . 365 Buildings, Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $2,190 .69 . Signal Service of the Army, $1,552 .38 . Bu ilding s and grou nds, M ilita ry Ac ademy, $480 .26 . Equipment of Coast Artillery armories, Organized Militia, $488 .54. Sites for military purposes, $93,736 .92 . Ordnance material, proceeds of sales, $160,000 . Ter minal st orage an d shippi ng build ings, $3 22,381 . 63 . Evacuation of ordnance depots, $122,904 .22. Frankford Arsenal, $25,183 .44 . Rock Island Arsenal, $89,191 .48 . Vi cksbur g Nat ional Milit ary P ark, $3,281 .01 . Total appropriations to be covered into the Treasury, $876,395 .73. Approved, March 23, 1928 . March 23, 1928 . CHAP. 233 .-An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to pay officers and [s. 2007 .]