Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/520

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469 May 1, 1928 . [H. R. 11279.] [Public, No . 328.] Postal Service . Registered mail . R. S., sec. 3927, p. 763 . U. S. Code, p. 1259. Vol. 43, p. 1068, amended . Application, and in- dem nity fees . Rates . C H A P . 463 .-An Act Authori zing the Postmas ter General to es tablish a uniform system of registration of mail matter, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3927 of the R evised S tatutes of the U nited St ates (se ction 384 , title 39, United States Code), as amended by section 209 of the Act of Feb- ruary 28, 1925 (Forty-third Statutes at Large, page 1058), be, and the same is hereby, amended further to read as -follows : " Mail matter shall be registered on the application of the party posting the same, and the fees chargeable therefor, in addition to the regular postage, shall be, in all cases, prepaid as follows " For registry indemnity not exceeding $50, 15 cents . "For registry indemnity exceeding $50 and not exceeding $100, 20 cents . " For registry indemnity exceeding $100 and not exceeding $200, 30 cents. " For registry indemnity exceeding $200 and not exceeding $300, 40 cents . " For registry indemnity exceeding $300 and not exceeding $400, 50 cents. " For registry indemnity exceeding $400 and not exceeding $500, 60 cents. " For registry indemnity exceeding $500 and not exceeding $600, 70 cents. " For registry indemnity exceeding $600 and not exceeding $700, 80 cents . " For registry indemnity exceeding $700 and not exceeding $800, 90 cents. " For registry indemnity exceeding $800 and not exceeding $1,000, $1. "All such fees shall be accounted for in such manner as the Post- master G eneral s hall dir ect. " ~~

Fre e regis trati on o f SEC. 2 . That the provision of section 3 of the Act entitled An Act official mail . making appr opria tions for t he ser vice of the Post Office Depart- ed ol .23,p .158,amend- ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1885, and for other pur- U.S . Code, p .1256. poses," approved July 5, 1884 (Twenty-third Statutes at Large, page 158, section 321, title 39, United States Code), with respect to the regi stration of offi cial mat ter of t he execu tive depa rtments, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph, as fol lo ws " Provid ed fu rther , That any official domestic letter or parcel to etcancide1 . of be registered by any executive department or bureau thereof, or independent Government institution, located at Washington, District of Columbia, or by the Public Printer, which requires registration may be registered without the payment of any registry fee ." SEC. 3. The Act of February 27, 1897 (chapter 340, Twenty-ninth srsiaiassmmaiior loss of Statutes at Large, page 599), providing limited indemnity for loss Vol. 39, p.599. of re giste red ma il ma tter, and the Act of March 3, 19 03 (T hirty- U.S. Code, p.1259. second Statutes at Large, page 1174, section 381, title 39, United class mail . States Code), fixing such indemnity at not exceeding $100, and u l . 3Code, p7i25s . that portion of the Act of March 4, 1911 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, page 133 7, secti on 383, title 39 , United States Code), m aking appropriations for the service of the Post Offic e Dep artme nt and for o ther purpos es an d pro viding inde mnity for the loss of third and fourth class domestic registered matter, are amended to read as follows " For the greater security of valuable mail matter the Postmaster re *Un form system of istrnticn and indem- Gener al ma y esta blish a un iform syste m of regist ratio n, an d as a taliiish defor to be es- part of such system he may provi de ru les u nder w hich the s enders or owners of any registered matter shall be indemnified for loss,