Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/539

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHs. 491-493 . 1928 . May 3, 1928 .

CHAP . 491 .-Joint Resolution To provide for the payment of an indemnity [H.J. Res. 145.]

to the Chinese Government for the death of Chang Lin and Tong Huan Yah, r me [Pub. Res . No . 33.] alleged to have been killed by members of the armed forces of the United States . inse Govern- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Payment to, directed United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary indemnit y for deaths of Chang Lin and Tong of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the Chinese Huan Yah. G over nmen t, as a matt er of gr ace and with out refe renc e to the question of liability therefor, the sum of $1,000 as full indemnity for the death of Chang Lin, alleged to have been killed by a member of the United States Infantry at Leichuan, China, on May 4, 1923, the sum to be for the benefit of the family of said Chang Lin, and the sum of $100 as full indemnity for the death of Tong Huan Yah, a lleged to have been killed by me mbers of the crew of the United States ship Elcano while engaged in target practice at Hankow, China, on March 26, 1923, the sum to be for the benefit of the father of said Tong Huan Yah, as set forth in the message of the President of J anuary 4, 1928, prin ted as Sen ate Docume nt Numbere d 34, Appropriation an- Seventieth Congress, first session ; and there is hereby authorized to th pos ,P. 911 .

be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sufficient sum to carry out the purpose of this Act . Approved, May 3, 1928 . May 3, 1928.

[H.J. Res. 146 .1 CHAP. 492.-Joint Resolution To provide for the payment of an indemnity [Pub. Res. No. 34 .1 to the Dominican Republic for the death of Juan Soriano, who was killed by the landing of an airplane belonging to the United States Marine Corps . Dominican Repub- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the lie .

United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Payment to, directed as indemnity for death of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the Domini- of Juan soriano . can Republic, as a matter of grace and without reference to the que stion of liabili ty there for, the sum of $2,000, as full indemnit y for the death of Juan Soriano, a Dominican subject, who was killed by the landing of an airplane belonging to the United States Marine Corps, on October 2, 1923, at Guer ra, Do minic an Re public , as set forth in the message of the President of December 12, 1927, printed as Senate Document Numbered 13, Seventieth Congress, first session ; thA pZed .priat ion au- and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money Post, p. 911.

in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sufficient sum to carry out the purpose of this Act. Approved, May 3, 1928 . May 3, 1928 . [H.J. Res. 151.] [P ub . Res . No.35.] China . Payment to, directed as indemnity for death of Sun Jui-chin. Appropria tion au- thorized. Post, p . 91L CHAP. 493 .-Joint Resolution To provide for payment of the claim of the Gover nment o f Chin a for c ompensa tion o f Sun J ui-chin for i njuries result ing fr om an assault on him by a private in the United States Marine Corps . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasur y be, an d he is hereby, directed to pay to the G overn- me nt of China, as a matter of gr ace and wi tho ut reference to the question of liability therefor, a sum equivalent to $500 Mexican as full indemnity for injuries to Sun Jui-chin resulting from an assault up on him in Chi na by a pr iv ate in the United States Marine Corps on Ju ne 11, 192 3, as recommended in the me ssa ge of the President of Dece mber 17, 192 7, p rint ed as Se nate Doc umen t Nu mber ed 23, Seventieth Con ress, first session ; and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to carry out the purpose of this Act . Approved, May 3, 1928 .