Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/572

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521 assistant enrolling clerk, $2,880 ; assistant to disbursing clerk, $2,780 ; stationery clerk, $2,570 ; librarian, $2,460 ; assistant librarian, $2,240 ; assi stant file cler k, $ 2,250 ; as sist ant lib rari an, and ass ist ant Jou rnal clerk, at $2,150 each ; clerks--one at $2,150, three at $2,020 each ; bookkeeper, and assistant in disbursing office, at $1,940 each


assistants to chief bill clerk, at $1,830 each ; stenographer to the Clerk, $1,730 ; locksmith and typewriter repairer, $1,620 ; messenger and clock repairer, $1,520 ; assistant in stationery room, $1,520 ; three messengers, at $1,410 each ; stenographer to Journal clerk, $1,310 ; fift een tel eph one oper ato rs, at $ 1,3 20 e ach ; substitute tele phone oper- ator when required, at $3 .30 per day, $1,200 ; laborers-three at $1,200 each, ni ne at $1,010 each ; purchase, exchange, operation, maintenance, and repair of motor vehicle, $1,200 ; in all, $132,220 . COMMITTEE EMPLOYEES Clerks, messengers, and janitors to the following committees Accounts-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,150 ; janitor, $1,310 . Agriculture-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,150 ; janitor, $1,310 . Appropriations-clerk, $5,000, and $1,000 additional so long as the posit ion i s held by the present incumbent ; assistant clerk, $4,500, five assistant clerks at $3,300 each, assistant clerk, $2,700 ; janitor, $1,440 . Banking and Currency-clerk, $2,360 ; assistant clerk, $1,520 ; janitor, $1,010 . Census-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Civil Serv- ice-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Claims-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $1,520 ; janitor, $1,010 . Co ina ge, Wei ght s, and Mea sur es- clerk, $2,360 ; jan ito r, $1, 010 . Disposi tion of Useless Executive Pap er s-c le rk, $2,360 . District of Columbia-clerk, $2,880 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,150 ; janitor, $1 .010 . Education-clerk, $2,360 . Elec- tion of President, Vice President, and Representatives in Congress- clerk, $2,360 . Elections Numbered 1-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010. Elections Numbered 2-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Elections Numbered 3-clerk, $2 ,3 60 ; janitor, $1, 010 . Enrolled Bills-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010. Expenditures in the Executive Departments- clerk, $2,880 ; janitor, $1,010 . Flood Control-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1, 010 . Foreign Affairs-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,150 ; jani- tor, $1,010 . Immigration and Naturalization-clerk, $2,880 ; janitor, $1,010 . Indian Affairs-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,150 ; jani- tor, $1,010. Insular Affairs-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Inter- sta te and For ei gn Commerce-clerk, $3,300 ; additional clerk, $2,360 ; assistant clerk, $1,830 ; janitor, $1,310 . Irrigation and Reclama- tion-cl erk, $2, 360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Invalid Pensions-clerk, $2,880 ; stenographer, $2,560 ; expert exa min er ( Nor man E . Ives), $2,400 ; assistant clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,240 . Judiciary-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $1,940 ; janitor, $1,240 . Labor-clerk, $2,360 ; jani- to r, $1,010 . Library-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Merchant Marine and Fisheries-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Military Aff air s-c ler k, $2, 880 ; assistant clerk, $1,830 ; ja nito r, $1 ,310 . Mines and Mining----clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Naval Affairs-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $1,830 ; janitor, $1,310 . Patents-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . Pensions-cle rk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $1,940 ; janitor, $1,010. Pos t Office and Po st Roads-clerk, $2,880 ; assist ant cler k, $1,73 0 ; jan ito r, $1, 310 . Printing-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,310 . Public Buildings and Grou nds-c lerk, $2,88 0 ; assist- ant clerk, $1,520 ; janitor, $1,010. Public Lands-clerk, $2,360 ; assistant clerk, $1,520 ; janitor, $1,010. Revision of the Laws-clerk, $3,000 ; janitor, $1,010 ; the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $ 11,652, for the fiscal y ear 1928 , "to co ntinue th e employ ment of competent persons to assist in compiling and codifying the laws relating to the District of Columbia," is reappropriated and made Committe e employ- ees . Clerks and Janitors . Co difyi ng Di stric t of Columbia laws, Balance reappropri- ated . Vol.44,p.1152.