Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/576

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525 For contingent expenses, $200 .

Contingent expenses . For purchasing an d supplying uniforms and motor cycles to Capitol Police, $3,750 .

Division of disburse- One-half of the foregoing amounts under " Capitol police " shall m e ats . b e disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and one-half by the Clerk of the House . JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING For c ler k, $4 ,00 0 ; insp ector, under secti on 20 of the Act ap proved Vol . 28,p.603. January 12 , 18 95, $2,490 ; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,100 ; Congressional Direc- for expen ses of compi ling, prepar ing, a nd inde xing t he Con gressi onal torn . Dire ctory, $1,60 0 ; in al l, $10 ,190, one-ha lf to be dis bursed by the Secretary of the Senate and the other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House . OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE CO UN SEL For salaries and expenses of maintenance of the Office of Legisla- vir40, p . 1141, Vol. tive Counsel, as authorized by law $75,000, of which $37,500 shall be 44, p . 353. disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and $37,500 by the Clerk of Ante, p. 279. the House of Representatives . STAT EMENT OF AP PROPR IATIO NS For preparatio n, under the directi on of the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the sta tement s for the fi rst se ssion of the Sevent ieth C ongres s, sho wing appropriations made, indefinite appropriations, and contracts author- ized, together with a chronological history of the regular appropria- tion bills, as required by law, $4,000, to be paid to the persons designated by the chairmen of said committees to do the work . ARCHITECT OF THE CA PI TOL OFFICE OF THE ARC HIT ECT OF THE CAPITOL CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Uniforms, etc. Joint Committee on Printing . Of fice of Le gisla tive counsel. Statement of appro- priations . Pr epari ng, f irst ses- sion Seventieth Con- gress . Vol. 25, p. 587 . Architect of the Cap . itol. Salar ies : A rchitect of the Ca pitol, $7 ,500 ; chief clerk, $ 3,150 ; civi l etc . rch itec t,ch ief cler k, 'engineer, $2,770 ; two clerks, at $1,840 each ; compensation to dis- bursing clerk, $1,000 ; laborers-one at $1,104, two at $1,010 each, two at $950 each ; forewoman of charwomen, $760 ; twenty-one char- women, at $412 .80 each ; in all, $32,552 .80. For forty-eight elevator conductors, including fourteen for the Elevator conductors . Senate Office Building and fourteen for the House Office Building, at $1,520 e ach, $72, 960 . Capitol

buildings and grounds . Capitol Buildings : For necessary expenditures for the Capitol buildings, etc .pairs to Bu ilding under the j urisdi ction of the Archit ect of the C apitol , in- c ludin g min or i mprov ement s, ma inte nance , rep air, equi pment , su p- p lies, mate rial , and appu rtena nces ; perso nal and o ther servi ces ; cleaning and repairing works of art ; purchase or exchange, mainte- nance, and driving of motor-propelled passenger-carrying office vehicles ; and not exceeding $200 for the purchase of technical and necessary reference books and city directory ; $83,535.80 . Senate wing reconstruction : To rearrange and reconstruct the Senate wing . Senate wing of the Capitol in accordance with the report of the Rearranging and re constructing. Architect of the Capitol contained in Senate Document Numbered 16 1, Six ty-eig hth Co ngress , seco nd ses sion, w ith su ch alt eratio ns as