Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/578

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S EVEN TIETH CONGR ESS . SESS . I. Cu. 551. 1928 . tion with the maintenance and operation of the heating, lighting, and power plant and substations connected therewith, $373,880 . The appropriations under the control of the Architect of the Capitol may be expended without reference to section 4 of the Act approved June 17, 1910, concerning purchases for executive depart- ments. The Department of the Interior, the Public Health Service, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Union Station group of temporary hous ing, the G overn ment Prin ting Offi ce, a nd th e Wa shing ton C ity post o ffice shall reimbu rse th e Capi tol pow er pla nt for heat, light , and power furnished during the fiscal year 1929 and the amounts so reimbursed shall be credited to the appropriation for such plant and be avail able f or the purpo ses na med the rein . LIBRARY BUILDING AND GROUNDS Salaries : Chief engineer, $2,520 ; chief electrician, $2,520 ; decora- tor, $2,000 ; painter, $1,728 ; assistant engineer-one $1,860, two at $1,764 each, one $1,728 ; two machinists at $1,764 each ; three assistant electricians at $1,800 each ; carpenters-one $1,800, one $1,728 ; plumber, $1,740 ; skilled laborers-two at $1,320 each, five at $1,260 each ; general mechanic, $1,800 ; two laborers at $1,020 each ; in all, $42,860. Fo r tree s, shr ubs, p lants, ferti lizers , and s killed labor for t he grounds of Library of Congress, $1,500 . For necessary expenditures for the Library Building under the jurisdiction of the Architect of the Capitol, including minor improve- ments, maintenance, repair, equipment, supplies, material, and appurtenances, and personal and other services in connection with the mec hanica l and struct ural m ainten ance of such buildi ng, $4 5,000 . Fo r alte ration s and additi ons to the e ast and south east s tacks in the Li brary Buildi ng and for t he str uctural modif icatio n of a djoin- ing stacks in connection with such work, an d for all necessary furnishings, $387,000 . For furniture, including partitions, screens, shelving, and electrical work pertaining thereto and repairs thereof, $14,000 . BOTANIC GARDEN Salaries : For the director and other personal services in accord- ance with the Classification Act of 1923, $84,797 ; all under the direc- tion of the Joint Committee on the Library . Repairs and improvements : For procuring manure, soil, tools, purchasing trees, shrubs, plants, and seeds ; materials and miscel- laneous supplies, including rubber boots and aprons when required for use by employees in connection with their work ; traveling expenses and per diem in lieu of subsistence of the director and his assistants not to exceed $475 ; street-car fares not exceeding $25 ; office equipment and contingent expenses in connection with repairs and improvements to Botanic Garden ; exchange, care, and mainte- nance of motor-trucks ; purchase and exchange not exceeding $1 .500, and maintenance and repair of a motor-propelled passenger vehicle ; purchase of botanical books, periodicals, and books of reference, not to exceed $100 ; general repairs to buildings, greenhouses, heating apparatus, packing sheds, storerooms, and stables ; painting, glazing ; repairs to footwalks and roadways ; repairing and putting comfort stations in sanitary condition ; repairs and improvements to director's residence ; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Library , $47, 800 . 527 Purchases independ- ent of Supply Com- mittee . Vol. 36, p. 531. Reimbursement for current, etc ., furnished to other Government buildings. Library Building and groun ds . Oper ating for ce . Trees, plants, etc . Repairs, etc . Additions, etc ., to sta cks . Post, p . 1397. Furniture, shelving, etc . Botanic Garden . Direc tor, and perso n- nel . Rep air s,

improve- ments, etc