Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/589

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SEVE NTIE TH CONGRESS . SESS . I . Cu. 569. 1928. Surveys previously authorized of the Mis- sissippi and tributaries to be speedily prose- cuted . Vol.44,p.1015. Projects for flood con- tr ol on all tributary streams to be su b- mitted. Rivers, etc ., speci- fied . SEC . 10 . That it is the sense of Congress that the surveys of the Mississippi River and its tributaries, authorized pursuant to the Act of January 21, 1927, and House Document Numbered 308, Sixty-ninth Congress, first session, be prosecuted as speedily as practicable, and the Secretary of War, through the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, is directed to prepare and submit to Congress at the earliest practicable date projects for flood control on all tributary streams of the Mississippi River system subject to destructive floods which projects shall include : The Red River and tributaries, the Yazoo River and tributaries, the White River and tributaries, the Saint Francis River and tributaries, the Arkansas River and tribu- taries, the Ohio River and tributaries, the Missouri River and Reports to include tributaries, and the Illinois River and tributaries ; and the reports effec t of furt her f lood there on in addition to the surveys provided b said House control of t he lower


y Mississippi, etc. , by Documen t 308, Sixty -ninth Congr ess, f irst se ssion, shall inclu de the establishing reservoir

, systems in drainage effect on th e subj ect of furth er flo od' con trol o f the lower Missis - basins of th e tribe- tax ies . sippi River to be attained through the control of the flood waters in the drainage basins of the tributaries by the establishment of a reservoir system ; the benefits that will accrue to navigation and agriculture from the prevention of erosion and siltage entering the stream ; a determination of the capacity of the soils of the district to receive and hold waters from such reservoirs ; the prospective income from the disposal of reservoired waters ; the extent to which reservoired waters may be made available for public and private uses ; and inquiry as to the return flow of waters placed in the soils from reservoirs, and as to their stabilizing effect on stream flow a s a me ans of preve nting erosion , silt age, a nd imp roving Proviso .

navigation : Provided, That before transmitting such reports to Reports to be trans- mit ted to Congress Congress the same shall be presented to the Mississippi River Com- with conclusions, etc ., of Commission t hereon . mission, and its conclusions and recommendations thereon shall be transmitted to Congress by the Secretary of War with his report . The sum of $5,000,000 is hereby authorized to be used out of the appropriation herein authorized in section 1 of this Act, in addition to amounts authorized in the River and Harbor Act of January 21, 1927, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the super vision of th e Chie f of E ngineer s for the pr eparat ion of the flood-control projects authorized to be submitted to Congress under this section : Provided further, That the flood surveys herein provided for shall be made simultaneously with the flood-control work on the Mississippi River provided for in this Act : And pro- vided further, That the President shall proceed to ascertain through the Secretary of Agriculture and such other agencies as he may deem proper, the extent to and manner in which the floods in the Missis- sippi Valley may be controlled by proper forestry practice . SEC . 11 . That the Secretary of War shall cause the Mississippi River Commission to make an examination and survey of the Mississippi River below Cape Girardeau, Missouri, (a) at places where levees have heretofore been constructed on one side of the ri ver an d the lands on the oppos ite si de have been thereb y subj ected to great er ove rflow, and w here, withou t unrea sonabl y rest rictin g the flood channel, levees can be constructed to reduce the extent of this overflow, and where the construction of such levees is economically ju stifie d, and repor t ther eon to the C ongress as so on as practi cable with such recommendations as the commission may deem advisable ; (b) with a view to determining the estimated effects, if any, upon lands lying between the river and adjacent hills by reason of over- fl ow of suc h lands c aused by the const ruction of levees at other points along the Mississippi River, and determining the equities of the owners of such lands and the value of the same, and the commission A dditi onal sum au- thorized for preparing these projects . Provisos. Su rvey s s imult ane- ously with flood con- trol projects . Extent, etc ., of for- estry practice on flood cont rol to be as cer- taine d. Survey, etc ., of the Mississippi below Cape Girardeau . To report on con- structing levees to pro- tect lands subject to greater overflow by levees on opposite side of the river . To determine, etc., effect on lands between river and adjacent hills by overflow caused by levees at other points.