Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/595

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. Ca. 572. 1928 . to the Department of Agriculture, and the amend ment thereof c on- Vol. 44ie57 ports. tained in section 5 (e) of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, for the employment of professors of meteorology, district forecasters, local fore casters , mete orologi sts, se ction directo rs, obs ervers , app rentic es, op erat ors, ski lled mec hani cs, inst rume nt m aker s, f orem en, assi stan t foremen, proof readers, compositors, pressmen, lithographers, folders and feeders, repair men, station agents, messengers, messenger boys, laborers, special observers, display men, and other necessary employ- ees ; for fuel, gas, electricity, freight and express charges, furniture, stationery, ice, dry goods, twine, mats, oil, paints, glass, lumber, hardware, and washing towels ; for advertising ; for purchase, sub- sistence, and care of horses and vehicles, the purchase and repair of harness, for official purposes only ; for instruments, shelters, appa- rat us, stor m-wa rnin g to wers and rep airs the reto ; for rent of offices ; for repair, alterations, and improvements to existing buildings and care and preservation of grounds, including the construction of Telegraph and tele- necessary outbuildings and sidewalks on public stre ets abut ting phone expenses . Weather Bureau grounds ; and the erection of temporary buildings for living quarters of observers ; for official traveling expenses ; for telephone rentals, and for telegraphing, telephoning, and cabling reports and messages, rates to be fixed by the Secretary of Agriculture by agreement with the companies performing the service ; for the maintenance and repair of Weather Bureau telegraph, telephone, and cable lines ; and for every other expenditure required for the estab- lishment, equipment, and maintenance of meteorological offices and stations and for the issuing of weather forecasts and warnings of storms, cold waves, frosts, and heavy snows, the gauging and measur- ing of the flow of rivers and the issuing of river forecasts and Cooperation with warnings ; for observations and reports relating to crops, and for other bureaus . other necessary observations and reports, including cooperation with other bureaus of the Government and societies and institutions of learning for the dissemin ation of mete orological information, as follows Chief of Bureau, and For necessary expenses for general administrative purposes, includ- offic e per sonne l'

ing the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $127,000 . Expenses in Wa sh- For necessary expenses in the city of Washington incident to col- ing `°n City.

lecting and disseminating meteorological, climatological, and marine information, and for investigations in meteorology, climatology, Printing office .

seismology, evaporation, and aerology, $329,000, of which not to exceed $10,000 may be expended for the maintenance of a printing Proviso.

office in the city of Washington for the printing of weather maps, Limitation of work . bulletins, circulars, forms, and other publications : Provided`, That no printing shall be done by the Weather Bureau that can be done at the Government Printing Office without impairing the service of said bureau. Exp enses elsewh ere . Fo r ne cess ary expe nses out side of the city of Wash ingt on i ncid ent to collecting and disseminating meteorological, climatological, and marine information, and for investigations in meteorology, cl ima- tology, seismology, evaporation, and aerology, $1,962,000 . Forecasts, warnings, etc.

For investigations, observations and reports, forecasts, warnings, Aerol ogical statio ns. and adv ices fo r the p rotect ion of horticu ltural intere sts, $31,500 . For t he maintenanc e of stations, for observin g, measuring, and investigating atmospheric phenomena, including salaries and other expenses in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $315,000. Services in the Dis- trict . Total , Weather Bur eau, $2 ,7 6 4, 50 0, of wh ich amount no t to exceed $431,000 may be expende d for persona l services in the District of Columbia .