Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/614

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 572 . 1928 .


Grain Standards Act . To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pen snforcement ex- provisions of the United States Grain Standards Act, including Vol.39,p. 482. rent outside of the District of Columbia and the employment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem neces- sa ry, in the c ity of Washi ngton and el sewhere , $758 ,650 . ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES WAREHOUSE ACT

Warehouse Act . To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pe deministration ex- provisions of the United States Warehouse Act, including the pay- 42tp12s2 p . 486; vol. went of such rent outside of the District of Columbia and the employ- ment of such persons and means as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem ne cessar y, in the ci ty of Washin gton an d else where, $240, 320 . Standard Container ENFORCEMENT OF THE STANDARD CONTAINER AND PRODUCE AGENCY ACTS and Pro duce Agen cy Acts. To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the Act E nfor ceme nt ex- entitled "An Act to fix standards for Climax baskets for grapes and vol. 39, p. 673. other fru its and v egetables , and to fix stand ards for baskets a nd other Vol. 44, p. 1355. containers for small fruits, berries, and vegetables, and for other purpose s," ap proved Augus t 31, 1916, and the Act e ntitle d "An Act to prevent the destruction or dumping, without good and sufficient cause therefor, of farm produce received in interstate commerce by com- mission merch ants a nd oth ers an d to r equire them t ruly a nd cor rectly purchase of perish • to account for all farm produce received by them," approved March able farm products . 3, 1927, including the purchase of such perishable farm products as may be necessary for detection of violations of the latter Act : Pro- Proviso. from sales vided, That all receipts from the sale of such products shall be be credited to the ap- credite d to t his ap propri ation, and s hall be reexp endabl e ther efrom, propriation . and including the employment of such persons and means as the Secr etary of A gricu ltur e may deem nec essar y in the city of Wa sh- ington and el sewher e, $30 ,000 . COMPLETION OF WOOL WORK

Wool clip of 1918 . Completing the dis- To enable the Bureau of Agricultural Economics to complete the tributi on amon g own- work of the Domestic Wool Section of the War Industries Board and ell, S~ su 9 collected. t o enforce Government regulations for handling the wool clip of 1918 as established by the Wool Division of said board, pursuant to the Executive order dated December 31, 1918, transferring such work to the said bureau, $8,000, and to continue, as far as practicable, the distribution among the growers of the wool clip of 1918 of all sums heretofore or hereafter collected or recovered with or without suit by the Government from all persons, firms, or corporations which handled any part of the wool clip of 1918 . CENTER MARKET, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

Center Market, D . C . Operation and Management : To enable the Secretary of Agri- operation and man • agement expenses . culture, in carrying out the provisions of the Act of March 4, 1921 Vol. 41, p . 1441, (Forty-first Statutes at Large, page 1441), to pay for ice, electricity, gas, fuel, travel, stationery, printing, telegrams, telephones, labor, supplies, materials, equipment, miscellaneous expenses, necessary repairs and alterations, to be reimbursed by any person for whose account any such expenditure may be made : Provided, That the Purchases for, with- Secretary of Agriculture may purchase necessary supplies and equip- coreg ara to Supply ment for use at Center Market, without regard to awards made by General Supply Committee ; to continue the employment of the necessary persons under the conditions in existence at the time of the taking over of the property by the Secretary of Agriculture, with