Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/697

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Cx. 659 . 1928 . District Building .

CARE O F DISTR ICT BU ILDING Operating force . Proviso. Assistant engineers or watchmen . Operating expenses . A sses sor's off ice .

Fo r pers onal s ervice s in a ccorda nce wi th the Classi ficati on Act of 1923, $186,770 ; temporary clerk hire, $3,000 ; in all, $189,770 . LICENS E BUREAU License bureau . Proviso . Phrenology license required. Vol . 32, p. 626. Collector's office. Auditor's office . O ther duties per - mitted disbursing of- ficers. corporation °°nn • Comporation counsel, including extra compensation as general counsel of the Public Utilities Commission, $7,500, and other per- sonal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 19 23, $50,840 ; in all, $58,340 . CORONERS OFFICE For person al ser vices in acc ordanc e with the Cl assifi cation Act o f 1923, $9,190 . For the main tenan ce of a n onpas senge r-ca rryin g mot or wa gon for the morgue, jurors' fees, witness fees, making autopsies, ice, disin- Reconstructing fectants, telephone service, and other necessary supplies, repairs to whar f. the morgue, including not to exceed $6,000 for reconstructing the morgue wharf, and the necessary expenses of holding inquests, including stenographic services in taking testimony, and photo- graphing unidentified bodies, $10,000 . set's office . Coroner's office. Expenses of morgue, inquests, etc . Office of superin- tendent of weights, etc . Fo r pers onal s ervice s in a ccorda nce wi th the Classi ficati on Act of 1. 923, $49 ,070 ; services of clean ers as ne cessary, not to e xceed 4 8 cents per hour, $1 4, 00 0, in a ll , $63,070 : Prov ided , That no other appro- priation made in this Act shall be available for the employment of additional assistant engineers or watchmen for the care of the District Building . Fo r fuel , ligh t, pow er, re pairs, laund ry, mec hanics , and labor not to exceed $5,000, and miscellaneous supplies, including not to exceed $1,800 for purchase and ins tallation of elevator hatchway door interlocks, $34,500 . ASSESSORS OFFICE Fo r pers onal s ervice s in a ccorda nce wi th the Classi ficati on Act of 1923, $17,820 ; temporary clerk hire, $1,500 ; in all, $19,320 : Provided, That hereafter no person shall practice phrenology in the District of Co lumbi a wit hout payi ng th e li cense tax named in parag raph 32, section 7, of the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved July 1, 1902, subject to the proviso contained in said paragraph . COLLECTORS OFFICE For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, including $1,000 for temporary clerk hire, $43,550 . AUDITORS OFFICE For perso nal se rvices in ac cordan ce wit h the C lassif icatio n Act of 1923, $104,210, and the compensation of the present incumbent of the position of disbursing officer of the District of Columbia shall be exclusi ve of his co mpensa tion a s Unit ed Stat es pro perty and di sburs- ing officer for the National Guard of the District of Columbia . OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SVEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MARKETS Per sonal serv ices .

For person al ser vices in acc ordanc e with . the Classifi cation Ac t of 1 923, $42 ,545 .