Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/724

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Cia. 659 . 1928 .

673 Columbia, and upon such security as the commissioners may require of said superintendent, sums of money not exceeding $100 at one time, to be used only for expenses in returning escaped prisoners, payable from the maintenance appropriations for the workhouse and reformatory, all such expenditures to be accounted for to the account- ing officers of the District of Columbia within one month on itemized vouchers properly approved . For the purchase of approximately one and one-half acres of land to pr ovide suitabl e switching co nnections and switching ya rds f o r indus trial railroa d adjacent to main line of the Richmond, Fred- ericksburg and Potomac Railroad, $150 ; and for the purchase of approximately eight acres of land in close proximity to permanent buildings at the reformatory, $2,500 ; in all, $2,650, to be immediately available . WORKUOUSE Lim it. Purchase of addi- tional land for reforma- tory . Wor khouse . For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act, Pe rsona l ser vices . 1923, $75,760 . For maintenance, custody, clothing, guarding, care, and support maintenance. of prisoners ; rewards for fugitives ; provisions, subsistence, medicine, and hospital ins truments, fur niture, and qu arters for gu ards and other employees and inmates ; purchase of tools and equ ipment ; purchase and maintenance of farm implements, livestock, tools, equipment., and miscellaneous items ; transportation ; ma intena nce and operation of nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles ; supplies and labor ; and all other necessary items, $120,000 . For fuel for maintenance and manufacturing, $47,500 .

Fuel. For the reconditioning of barges, repairing the wharves at Occo- Reconditi oning quan and Washington, and purchase of brick-handling equipment, barges, wharves, etc• $28,000 . For continuing construction of permanent buildings, incl udin g Construction, re- sewers, water mains, and roads ; for equipment for new buildings ; pa irs, etc • for material for repairs to buildings, roads, and walks ; and not to exceed $36,000 for reconditioning and enlarging brick plant, includ- Brick plant . i ng the purch ase an d ins tallat ion of mach inery and eq uipmen t, $116,000 . For purchase and exchange of one nonpassenger-carrying motor Motor vehicle . vehicle, $475 . In all, $387,735, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the commissioners . REFO RMAT ORY

Reformatory. Salaries : For personal services in accordance with the Classifica- Personal services . tion Act of 1923, $63,980 . For continuing construction of permanent buildings, including Buildings, construe . sewers, water mains, roads, and necessary equipment of industrial tion, etc• railroad ; for equipment for new buildings ; for material for repairs to buildings, roads, and walks ; and not to exceed $12,000 for a water- supply tank and connecting pipe, $62,000 . For maintenance, custody, clothing, care, and support of inmates ; Maintenance, rewards for fugitives ; discharge gratuities provided by law ; pro- visions, subsistence, medicine and hospital instruments, fur niture , and quarters for guards and o ther employees and inmates ; p u r c h a s e of tools and equipment ; purchase and maintenance of farm imple- men ts, livestock , tools, equi pment ; transportation ; purchase of material for the manufacture of metal tags, signs and markers, and cast-iron products ; maintenance and operation of nonpassenger- carrying motor vehicles ; supplies and labor, and all other necessary items, $83,000 .