Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/817

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CHs. 777, 778. 1928 . and privileges may be sold, assigned, or transferred, or who shall acq uire the same by mo rtga ge fo reclo sure or o therw ise, is h ereby authorized to exercise the same as fully as though conferred herein directly upon such corporation . Amendment.

SEC . 3. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, May 26, 1928 . May 26,1928 . [H. R. 12479.1

CHAP. 778 .-An Act Authorizing the sale of all of the interest and rights of _ [Public, No . 542 .1 the United States of America in the Columbia Arsenal property, situated in the ninth civil district of Maury County, Tennessee, and providing that the net fund be deposited in the military post construction fund . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Columbia Arsenal, Tenn .

United States of America in. Congress assembled, That the Secretary Sale of, authorized to of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to sell upon such terms and The Columbia Mili- tary Academy, with conditions as he considers advisable and to make proper deed of u' tile, etc. Vol.33,p.296. conveyance to The Columbia Military Academy, a corporation organ- ized under the laws of the State of Tennessee, all of the title, interest, limitations, conditions, restrictions, reservations, and rights owned and held by the United States of America as defined in Public Act Numbered 152 of the second session of the Fifty-eighth Congress and in the deed of the United States of America to the lands con- veyed therein to The Columbia Military Academy of record in book 105, volume 4, page 495 in the register's office of Maury County, Tennessee . Said limitations, conditions, restrictions, reservations, and rights are defined in said Public Act and deed as follows : Former limitations . That the Secretary of War shall be a visitor to said school, and have and exercise full rights of visitation, and he shall have the right and authority in his discretion, as the public interest requires, to prescribe the military curriculum of said school, and to enforce compl iance therew ith, a nd upo n refu sal or failur e of t he aut horiti es of said school to comply with the rules and regulations so prescribed by the Secretary of War, or the terms of the Act, he is authorized to declare that the estate of the grantee has terminated and the proper ty sha ll rev ert to the U nited States, and t he Sec retary of Wa r is authorized thereupon to take possession of said property in behalf of the United States, and shall further reserve to the United States the right to use such lands for military purposes at any time upon demand of the President of the United States . Said lands to which said limitations, conditions, restrictions, reser- vations, and rights attach are described as situated in the ninth civil district of Maury County, Tennessee, and were formerly used as an arsenal and known as the Columbia Arsenal property, the same comprising about sixty-seven acres more or less, and generally bounded by the Hampshire Pike, and Louisville and Nashville Rail- road, the Mount Pleasant Pike, and a public road connecting the two pikes above named . All limitatio ns, rights, etc ., to pass to

All of said limitations, conditions, re5trictions 7 reser vation s, and the purchaser . rights of the United States of America, whether legal or equitable, vested or contingent, in and to said lands as specified and defined in said public law and deed and belonging to the United States of Americ a will pass to the purch aser u nder th e sale herei n auth orized . be made . Appraisal of land to SEC . 2. The Secretary of War shall have said tract of land . apprai sed, t he app raisal being of th e land alone, and w ithout regar d Consideration . to the buildings thereon . And the Secretary of War shall not sell the rights and interests of the Government herein above defined in said Columbia Arsenal property for a less consideration than the . apprai sed va lue he rein p rovide d for .