Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/992

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 856 . 1928 .

941 That section 202, Title II, Act of February 28, 1925, is amended New paragraph. by, the addition of a paragraph 4 to read as follows (4) Provided, That in the case of publications entered as second- Ad ded rates where individual addressed class matter where the number of individual addressed copies or copies are over 32 to a packages to the pound is more than thirty-two and not in excess of pound . forty-eight, the rates of postage thereon shall be double the rates prescribed in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3-a) of the Act of February 28, 1925 ; where the number of individual addressed copies or pack- ages to the p ound i s more than forty- eight a nd not excee ding s ixty- four, the rates of postage shall be three times the regular rates, and for each additional sixteen individually-addressed copies or packages or fractional part of such number of copies or packages there may be to the p ound t he rat es of postag e shal l be co rrespo ndingl y incr eased over the regular rates ." TRANSIENT SECOND CLASS

Tra nsient secon d class. Vol. 43, p. 1067, SEC . 5 . Section 203, Title II, of the Act of February 28, 1925 amended . sS . Code, p.1254 . (Forty-third Statutes, page 1067, United States Code, title 39, sec- tion 287), is hereby amended to read as follows : " SEC. 203 . The rate of postage on publications entered as second- Rate, if not sent by publishers, etc . class matter, when sent by others than the publisher or news agent, sh all be 1 cent for each two ounces or fractio n thereof ." THIRD-CLASS MATTER SEC . 6 . Section 20 6, paragraph (b) of the Act of February 28, a ended3' p. 1067, 19 25 (Fo rty-th ird St atutes , page 1067, United State s Code , titl e 39, U.S. Code, p.1254. section 291), is hereby amended to read as follows : "(b) The rate of postage thereon shall be 11/2 cents for each two Ra tes. ou nces or f raction t hereof, u p to and includin g eight o unces in weight, except that the rate of postage on books, catalogues, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, not exceeding eight ounces in weight shall be 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof, except as herein provided for library books : Provided, That, under such regu- Acceptance without lations as the Postmaster General may establish for the collection of postage, etc ., of de- signated quantities of the lawful revenue and for facilitating the handling of such matter separately addressed in the mails, it shall be lawful to accept for transmission in the mails, pieces in bu lk, at pound rates. wi thout pos tage stamp s or with prec ancel ed s tamps affi xed, sepa - rately addressed identical pieces of third-class matter in quantities of not less than twenty pounds, or of not less than two hundred pieces subject to pound rates of postage applicable to the entire bulk mailed at one time : Provided further, That the rate of post- Rate. age on third-class matter mailed in bulk under the foregoing pro- vision shall be 12 cents for each pound or fraction thereof, except that in the case of books, catalogues, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, Books, seeds, etc . sci ons, and plants, t he rate s hall be 8 cents fo r each po und or fr action thereof : Provided, however, That the rate of postage on third-class pie cenimum r ate per matter mailed in bulk under the foregoing provisions shall be not less than 1 cent per piece ." FOURTH-CLASS MATTER SEC . 7. Section 207 of the Act of February 28, 1925 (Forty-third Statutes, page 1067, United States Code, Title 39, sections 240, 247, and 293), is hereby amended to read as follows : " SEC. 207 . (a) Mail matter of the fourth class shall weigh in excess of eight ounces, and shall include books, circulars, and other matter wh olly in p rint (exce pt ne wspa pers and o ther peri odica ls en tere d as second-class matter), proof sheets, corrected proof sheets, and manuscript copy accompanying same, merchandise (including farm Third class. Fourth class. Vol . 43, p. 1067, amended . U. S. Code, pp.1251, 1255 . Mail matter in(Auded as.