Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1005

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. July 3, 1928. August 16, 1928. 2681 2. When a pa.rcel contravening any of these prohibitions is handed over by one Administra- tion to the other, the latter shall proceed in accordance with ita laws and its inland rCln1l8.tions. 3. The two Postal Administra- tions shall furnish each other with a. list of prohibited articles; but they will not thereby under- take any responsibility whatever towards thtl police, the Customs authorities, or the senders of pa.rcels. V. CUSTOMS DUTIES. The parcels shall be subject in the country of destination to all customs duties and all customs regulations in force in that coun- try for the protection of its cus- toms revenues, and the customs duties 'properly chargeable there- on shall be collected on delivery, in accordance with the customs regulations of the country of destination. 2. Ha az egyik igazgatas 8. Erroneoualy trans- ik. akI mUted. mM 19azgatMn 0 yan csoma- got ad at, amely 8. fenti tilalmak valamelyik~be utkzoik, az ut6bbi jogosult torv~nyei ~ belfoldi szabalyai 6rtelm~ben eljll.rn.i. 3. A Mt post.~azg8.tM k5zli .J;:St~tbef~ egymassal 8. kitiltott tlU'gyak jegyz~k6t; mindazonaltal ezekre vonatkoz6an 8. rend&rs6g, 8. vam - hat6sag vagy 8. csomagok felad6i iranyaban semmi felel<>ss6get sem vallal. V. Y '< 'MDIJAK. C1l.!toms duties. A csomagok a rendeltet6si 0!8- dJ:~e1:. oolleoted on zagban ala vannak vetve rom- dazoknak a vamdijaknak es 6rv6nyben all6 vh.miigyi sz8.bal- yoknak, amelyeket ez az orszag 8. vambev6teleinek v6rlelm6re 6r- v6nyben tart. A esomagokr8. 8. szabalyok szerint kir6tt vArudi- jakat a rendeltet6si orsZ8.g vh.msza balyainak megfeleltien 8. k6zbesit- 6skor kell beszedni. VI. METHOD OF EXCHANGE OF VI. CSOMAGOK KICSERELESENEK Exchange of parceI& PARCELS. M6DJA. 1. The parcels shall be ex- changed, in sacks duly fastened and sealed, by the offices ap- pointed by agreement between the two Administrations, and shall be dispatched to the country of destinatIon by the country of origin at its cost and by such means as it provides. 2. Insured parcels shall be en- closed in separa. te sacks from those in' which ordinary parcels are contained and the labels of sacks containing insured parcels shall be marked with such dis- tinctive symbols as may from time to time be agreed upon. VII. BILLING OF PARCELS. 1. The ordinary (uninsured) parcels included in each dispatch shall be advised on a parcel bill by the simple entry of their total number. 2. The insured parcels shall be entered on separate parcel bills and shall be listed individually. 1. A megfelel&en lezh.rt 6s lepe- Bealed-sacks. cs6telt zsakokban elhelyezett cso- magokat a k~t ~gaz~atM altal egyeMrtoen megaIlapltott hiva- taIok cser61ik ki. A csomagokat a felvev& igazgatM a sajat kolts6- g6n es az altaIa valasztott m6don ktildi meg a rendeltet6si igaz- gath.snak. 2. j;}rt&yilvanitassal elllLtott 8TarmstroBot (talk) tor In- esomagokat a kozons6ges csoma- gokt61 elvalaszatva., ktilon zsakban kell elhelyezni es e zsakok fiigg- v6nyeit az idlSrlSl-idlSre koz5sen megallapitott megkiil5nb5ztetlS jelz6ssel kell ellatni. VII. CSOMAGOK ROVATOr.As.A . . DUlInc of parcels. 1. A zlU'lathoz tartoz6 kOzOns6- Parcel bID. ges (6rMknyilvanitMsal el nem IlL tott) csomagokat az osszdarabs- zh.m egyszeru bejegyz6s6vel kell a rovatlapba berovatolni. 2. Az 6rteknyilvlLnitassai elllL- Separat~billllroreBCb tott csomagokat ktil5n rovatla- class. poka es pedig egyenkint kell beje-