Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1014

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2690 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-HUNGARY. Jul,. S. 1928. AUjplst 16. 1928. Fees. XV. FEES FOR DELIVERY AND XV. KEZBESIds ES v.blltoz- FOR CUSTOMS FORMALITIES. VETITESI DIUK. FEKBER. DEMURRAGE CHARGES. In~orad=: :J 1. The Administration of the dellvery, country of destination may col- lect from the addressees for deliv- ery and for the fulfilment of Customs forma.lities a charge not exceeding fifty centimes gold for each parcel, and an additional de- livery charge of like amount for each time a parcel is presented at the residence of the addressee aft- er one unsuccessful presentation. Demurrage charges. 2. Each Administration may impose reasonable storage or de- murrage charges in case the ad- dressee fails to accept delivery of any parcel within such reasonable time as is prescribed by the Ad- ministration of the country of destination. Any such charges shall be cancelled in the event of the return of the parcel to the country of origin. Redlreotlon. XVI. REDIRECTION. Cl:arges speclfted. 1. AJJ.y parcel redirected within the country of destination or delivered to an alternate addres- see at the original office of address shall be liable to such addi tional charges as may be prescribed by the Administration of that coun- try. Collection of new 2. When a parcel is redirected fees. to either country, new postage as well as new insurance fees, in the case of insured parcels (which, when redirected, must be dis- patched in the same kind of mails as receive,d)l may, if not prepaid, be collected. upon delivery and retained by the Administration making the collection. The Ad- ministration making delivery shall fix the amount of such fees and postage when not prepaid. Restriction 88 to an· 3. Insured parcels shall not be other oountry. forwarded or returned to another country unless they are forwarded orreturned asinsured mail. Send- ers may indorse insured parcels, "Do not forward to a third coun- try", in which event the parcels shall not be forwarded to any other country. Unless such par- cels are indorsed to indicate that 1. A rendelteMsi orszag i~zga­ taslmak joga van a k~zbeslMs~rt es a v8.mkozvetites~rt a cimzetUSl csomagonkint otven arany centi- meot meg nem halad6 dijat szedni. Ugyanilyen p6tdi~at van joga szedni mindannYISzor, amikor valamely csomagot az elsl5 siker- telen k~zbesiMs utlm a cimzett lakaslm ujb61 bemutattak. 2. Az igazgatasok jogosultak medelel{S raktardijat vagy fekMrt szearu mindazon esetben, amikor a cimzett a csomagjat a rendel- tetesi igazatas lIltal megaI1apitott m~tlmyos idlSn be HU nem vette at. Az ilyen dijakat a csomagnak a felvevlS orszagba val6 visszakUl- desekor torolni kell. .X V I. UTANK'tlLDES. 1. A rendelteMsi orszag terUle- ~ utankUldott vsgy az eredeti rendeltet6ri hivatal lIltal egy masik cimzettnek k~zbesitett eso- mag az illeUS orszag i~azgatasa lIltal megllllapitott p6tdiJ ala esik. 2. Ha valamely csomagot az ~ szerzlSdlS orsz~ba kell utan- k1ildeni, uj postadiJat ~s ertek- n~vanita.ssal ellatott csomagnlll UJ biztosit8si dijat lehet a cim- zett<Sl a k~zbesiteskor beszedni, hacsak azt ellSre nem fizetMk Ie. Az ilyen, a k~zbesiMskor be- szedett dijat a k~zbesit6 ~azgatas tartja meg. Az ilyen diJakat ~s p6tdijakat, ha azokat nem eWre fizettek Ie, a k~zbesiW igazgatas lIllapitja meg. 3. ~rteknyilvanitassal ellatott csomagokat egy masik orszagba csak mint ~rt~knyilvanit8.ssal ellatott csomagot zsabad utan- vagy visszakUldeni. A felad6k ellathatj ak ~rteknyilv8.nirasos csomagj aikat ilyen felirassal: H Do not forward to a third country". "Harmadik orszagba nem kell utankUldeni", amelyesetben a cso-