Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1184

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2860 Intedwenoe. INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NovmlBD 25,1927. 13. The call CQ not followed by the letter K (general call for all mobile stationa without request for reply) shall be employed for of general information, time signals, re~ar meteoro- logical information, general safety notices, and informatIOn of all kinds intended to be read by anyone who can receive them. ARTICLE 11 Interference 11. (1) The exchange of unnecessary signals shall be forbidden to mobile stations. Tests and experiments shall be allowed in these stations only to the extent that they do not disturb the service of other stations. (2) Each Administration shall decide, with a view to their author- izaj;ion, whether the proposed tests or experiments will be likely to intlrfere with the service of other stations. §2. Tests and adjustments in any station, must be conducted so as not to interfere with the service of other stations engaged in authorized correspondence. The test and adjustment signals must be chosen so that no confusion can be produced with a signal, abbreviation, ete., of special meaning defined by the Regulations. 13. Any station transmitting for tests, adjustments, or experi- ments must, during the course of these transmissions, send its call signals at frequent intervals. §4. An Administration or private operating company making a complaint regarding interference must, in order to support and justify this comI,>laint, declare that it regularly uses receiving apparatus of a type eqmvalent to the best employed in the current practice of the service concerned. ARTICLE 12 tio~~rtlnil of Infrae- Reporting oj infractions §1. If an Administration has knowledge of a breach of the Con- vention or of these Regulations, committed in one of the stations of the mobile service which it has authorized, it shall determine the facts, fix the responsibility, and take the necessary measures. §2. Infractions of the mobile service rules must be reported by the stations detecting them to the Administration to which they are PHI, p. 2890. subject by means of a form similar to that shown in Appendix 2. §3. In the case of repeated infractions on the J?art of the same station, representations must be made to the AdmInistration of the country to which the station is subject. Publlcation of service documents. POll, pp. 2894, 28G5. Prut, p. 2864 . ARTICLE 13 Publication oj service documents §1. The International Bureau shall draw up and publish the fol- lowing service documents: (a) A table and a chart to be annexed to the nomenclature of ship stations indicating the zones and the hours of service on board vessels of the second class (see Appendices 5 and 6). (b) An alphabetical list of call signals of all fixed, land, and mobile stations assIgned a. call signal from the international series. This list shall be drawn up without regard to nationality; it shall be preceded by a table of allocation of call signals naming the countries to which one or more series of call signals are assigned, under the conditions provided in Article 14.