Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1205

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INTERNATIONAL RADIO CONVENTION. NOVE:\IBER 25,1927. 2881 §9. In principle, the liquidation of accounts accruing from commu- u~:countlng-contln­ nications between mobile stations shall be made directly between the eompanies operating these stations, the operating company to w~ch the station of origin is subject being debited by that to which the station of destination is subject. §1O. (1) Monthly statements serving as the basis of the special accounting for radiotelegrams, covered in the precedin~ paragraphs, shall be established radiotelegram by radiotelegram WIth all useful information and within a period of three months beginning with the month to which they relate. This period may exceed three months when exceptional difficulties arise in the transportation of the docu- ments bv mail between the radio stations and the Administrations to which they are subject. (2) Except in the case of an agreement to the contrary, monthly accounts shall serve as a check, and their verification, acceptance and liquidation must be effected within a period of six months from the date of their sending, except when exceptional difficulties arise in the transportation of documents due to exceptionally long duration of voy~es. (3) When the detection of differences prevents the acceptance of an account, the ~mount thereof shall nevertheless, be paid within the period of six mvnths mentioned above, and such rectifications as are subsequently found necessary shall be included in a subsequent monthly statement. The amounts of the accounts which have not been liquidated within the said period, or the period as lengthened as the result of exceptional transportation difficulties mentioned above, shall bear lliterest at seven per cent per annum, from the date following the expiration of the six months' period, or, as the case may be, of the period prolonged as 'shown above. (4) Liquidation or rectification of accounts presented more than two years after the filing date of radiotelegrams to which the accounts refer, may be refused by the debtor Administration. §11. The Governments reserve the ri~ht to make special agree- ments among themselves and with pnvate operating companies concerned, for the purpose of adopting other provisions relative to accounting. ARTICLE 33 Internatwnal technical consulting committee on radw communicatwn Internation~ Tech- , nleal Consultmg Com- mittee on Radio Com- §l. The International Technical Consulting Committee on Radio m;rnc:::on . Communication, established by Article 17 of the Convention! shall A'::tt. ;.~. be char~ed with the study of technical and allied questions which re- late to mternational radio communication and which shall have been submitted to it by the participatin~ Administrations or private enterprises. Its function shall be limited to giving advice on ques- tions which it will have studied. It shall transmit this advice to the International Bureau, with a view to its being communicated to the Administrations and private enterprises concerned. §2. (1) This Committee shall be formed, for each meeting, of experts of the Administrations and authorized private radio operating companies, who wish to participate in its work and who undertake to contribute, in equal parts, to the common expenses of the contem- plated meeting. The personal expenses of the experts shall be borne by the Administr.ation or private enterprise which has appointed them. (2) The experts of such authorized private enterprises shall partici- pate in the work with the right to deliberate but not to vote. When, however, a country is not represented by an Administration, the ex- perts of the authorized private enterprises of that country s'uall have .a right, as a whole and regardless of their number, to a single vote.