Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1282

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2946 Vol. .2, p. 860 . PROCLAMATIONS, 1928. -sintilar articles in the United States and in competing foreign coun- tries; (2) the differences in the wholesale selling prices of domestic and foreIgn articles in the principal markets of the United States; (3) advantages granted to a foreIgn producer by a. forei~ govern- ment, or by a. person, partnership, corporation, or assOCIation in a. foreign country; and (4) any other advantages or disadvantages in competition; Whereas, under and by virtue of said section of said act, the United States Tariff' Commission has made an investigation to assist the President ;n ascertaining the differences in costs of production of and of all other facts and conditions enumerated in said section with res}l!ct to the article described in paragraph 12 of Title I of said tarIff act of 19£2t namely, Barium carbonate, precipitated, being wholly or in part the growth or product of the United States, and of and with respect to a like or SImilar article wholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries; Whereas in the course of said investigation a hearing was held, of which reasonable public notice was given and at which parties inter- ested were given reasonable opportunity to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard; . And whereas the President upon said investigation of said differ- ences in costs of production of the said article wholly or in part the growth or product of the United States and of the like or similar article wholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries, has thereby found that the principal competmg country is Germany and that the duty fixed in said title and act does not equalize the differences iIi costs of production in the United States and in l! principal competing country, namely, Germany, and has ascertained and determined the increased rate of duty necessary to equalize the same. b Inlcreaslnbg dUtty on Now therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, Pregjdent of the United States arumcaronae,pre· f' . dhbdte' d l'thth. . cipitated, to equalize 0 . AmerICa, 0 ere y e rmme an proc aIm ate mcrease In TarmstroBot (talk)ri' cost of the rate of duty provided in said act shown by said aRcertained differen~ in saId costs of production necessary to equalize the same Rate. April. , 1928. is as follows: An increase in said duty on Barium carbonatL, precipitated (within the limit of total increase provided for in said act), from 1 cent per pound to 1% cents per pound. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the TTnited States to be affixed. Don~ at the city of Washington this twenty-sixth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] twenty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America. the one hundred and fifty-second. CALVINCOOLIDOE By the President: • ROBERT E. OLDS Acting SecretOR',!! of State. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITEb STATES OF AMERIOA A PROCLAMATION "herokee National • fJf . h dred _ ,rest, Ga., N. C ., and WHEREAS, by proclamatIOn 0 une ourteen, nmeteen un Tp~ble. and twenty, there were reserved and set apart as the Cherokee Vol. H , p.171l8. National Forest, certain lands within the States of Georgia, North Vol. 36, p. 001 . Carolina and Tennessee, acquired or to be acquired by the United