Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1313

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1928. 2967. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION. The economic and social progress of the nation is d~ndent to a Fire prevention 1d h d·· d week, 1928. arge egree upon t e pro.per uectlOn an control of elementary Preamble. forces within it. Fire, a fnendly aid and comfort when used properly, becomes a deadly foe when permitted to rage unchecked. The dangers of fire, and to some extent the means of controlling it, have been understood generally from a very early period. However, year by year fire has resulted in the destruction of thousands of lives and much material wealth. In 1927 property loss alone in the United States due to fire is estimated to have totaled more than $475,000,000, while loss of life from the same cause was likewise heavy. A certain measure of encouragement is to be derived from the fact that fire losses in the United States were decreased in 1927 as compared with 1926. Cooperative efforts on the part of our citizenry in recent years have shown that many types of fires are preventable. Wide- spread interest and activity in fire prevention have had a marked influence in bringing about ~ realization of public responsibility in dealing with the fire waste problem. Cities, towns and farming com- munities, engaging in a constructive campaign to inculcate sound principles of fire prevention in the minds of thinking inhabitants, are accomplishing highly desirable and satisfactory results. There is urgent need, however, to translate this effort into further remedial action. Increased vigilance on the part of all citizens is necessary, for their cumulative efforts will determine the future reduction or increase in our national fire waste. Therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States, do be~':,"TarmstroBot (talk)eo~[~g.,,;eef recommend that the week beginning Sunday, October 7, 1928, be 1928, to be observed ~ observed throughout the nation as Fire Prevention Week. United and coordinated endeavor in reaching the consciousness of every citizen is desired and can be obtained by the concerted action of our press, our schools, our churches and the civic and welfare organizaitons of every community, rural and municipal. During the last few years the observance of Fire Prevention Week has IUrnished a stimulus and guide for activity throughout the year. With this precedent it is to be hoped that every community will strive contmuously for the elimination of fire hazards and put into practice the fundamentals which will be stressed during Fire Prevention Week. The adoption of simple precautionary measures at all times will be rewarded by a higher degree of security to individual life and property. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 13" day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty- [SEAL] eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fifty-third. By the President: FRANK B KELLOGG Secretary oj State. 5483l)°-29-PT 2-83 CALVIN COOLIDGE