Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1341

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INDEX. 2995 Aeronautics, National Advuory CommiUee Paae. for, appropriation for expensE;s ________ 582,1240 deficiency appropriation for _ _ _ _______ 6, 43 for scientific research, etc _____ . __ 1616,1627 for salaries, 1929___ ____ ___ ________ 1676 Affiliated Corporation8, provisions for making consolidated in- come returns oL______________ 831 Africa, appropriation for developing commerce in _________________________ 86,1117 Agate Pass, bridge authorized acroBB, connecting Bainbridge Island with main- land in Kitsap County, Wash__ 1447 Aggers, Louisa C. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2225 Agramonte, Amtides, name placed on yellow fever honor roll, and presented gold medaL_____ 1409 to receive $125 monthly_____________ 1410 Agreement, exchange of notes with Germany ex- tending jurisdiction of Mixed Claims Commisaion _ _ _ ___ _____ 2696 AgricuUural CoUege and School of Minea of Alaska, adGitional grant of public lands for surport and maintenan~e oL___ 1091 Agricultura Cooperative Associations, stocks, etc., exempt from stamp tax__ 867 Agricultural Department (see I><!partment of AgrIculture). Agricultural Economics Bureau, Depart- ment of Agriculture, ~ppropriation for Chief of Bureau and office personneL ___________ 661,1211 for farm management and practice 561, 1211 cost of producing agricultural staples____________________ 061,1212 for distributing, etc., information of farm products, supplies, etc __ 561, 1212 cotton and by-product research_ _ 1212 coat of retailing meat, etil _____ 561,1212 practical forms of wool and mohair grades to be sold ___________ 561,1212 for collecting, analyzing, publishingz etc., general agricultural ana livestock information _______ 561,1212 for disseminating to American pro- ducers, etc., worln's supply and demand of agricultural products etc.; restriction____________ 561,1212 intended cotton planting areas excluded __________________ 561,1212 mid-monthly cotton estimates for July, August, and November___ 561 for cooperation with Federal and State agencies, associations, in marketing, etc., perishable farm products__________________ 561,1212 for market news service on farm products, etc ______________ 562,1213 for cooperative marketing_______ 562, 1213 for collecting, etc., statistics of grade and staple length of cotton__ 562, 1213 for enforcing Cotton Futures and Cotton Standard Acts ______ 562,1213 for enforcing Grain Standards Act_ _ 563, 1213 for administration of Warehouse Act_ 563, 1214 for enforcing Standard Container and Produce Agency Acts ______ 563, 1214 Agricultural Economics Bureau, Depart- PaKe. ment of Agriculture--Continued. appropriation for enforcing Standard Container and Produce Agency Acts; purchases, etc., for de- tecting violations __________ 563, 1214 use, etc., of receipts from sales_ 563, 1214 for completion of wool clip of1918_ 563,1214 for wool standards fund___________ 1214 for Center Market, D. C ___ ___ _ 563,1215 deficiency appropriation for Curtis- Martin Newspaper, for Ware- house Act advertising_________ _ for collecting cotton grade and staple length statistics______________ _ for ~lFr~11~~8~ _~~:TarmstroBot (talk)t!~~ _~~ _~~! for preventing dumping of perishable 13 13 13 farmproducts________________ 13 for general expense6 _____________ 46,933, 1617, 1621, 1673 fOl' fixing standards for hampers, etc_ 895 for collecting, etc., statistics of tobacco______________________ 1634 for salaries, 1929, under___________ 1678 payment authorized for designated ser- vices for _ _____ __ ____ __ ______ _ 1733 reimbursement to Lieutenant R. T . Cronan______________________ 1733 Agricultural Exhibits, appropriation for making, at State, etc., fairs _________________ 543,1193 4,gricuUural Experiment Statiom, appropriation for support, etc.; allot- Dlents ____________________ 541, 1191 for increased allotments_________ 541, 1191 for additional endowments ______ 541,1192 for extension of benefits to Hawaii._ 1192 for administration expenses _____ 542, 1192 laws relating to, extended to Hawaii___ 571 payments to Oklahoma Experiment Station authorized____________ 1632 provisions for, and extension work, ex- tended to Alaska_____________ 1256 Agricultural Food Pl'oducts, . appropriation for distributing informa- tion of marketing, distributing, suppll, etc., ot. ___________ 561,1212 for dissemmating information of mar- ket supply and demand for __ 561, 1212 Agricultural Orgr:nizations, exempt from income tax_____________ 812 Agricultural Products, appropriation for expenses, cooperative marketing for perishable ____ 562, 1212 for utilizing, in the home_______ 564,12!5 Agricultural Staples, etc., discount of commercial paper, secured by bills of lading, etc., of non- perishable, . allowed member banks t by Reserve banks____ _ Allricultural Suoject8, additional appropriations authorized for vocational education in States 975 and Territories, oL___________ 1151 Agriculture, appropriation for investigating applica- tion of chemistry to________ 556, 1207 for destroying animals injurious to 559, 1209 for survey, etc., of lands in national forests chiefly valuable for_ 554, 1204 deficiency appropriation for expenses, census oL____________________ 15 for cooperative education in, among the States, etc __________________ 1626