Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1387

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INDEX. 3041 Bureau, C'U8tofM Tariffs (see International . Customs Tariffs Bureau). Bureau, Federal Farm Loan (see Federal Farm Loan Bureau, Treasury De~artment) • Bureau for Protection of Industrial Prop- erty, International (see Interna- tional Bureau for Protection of Industrial Property). Bureau, International Trade Mark, (see International Trade Mark Reg- istration Bureau). Bureau of Accounts, Postal Seroice (see Accounts Bureau, Post Office Department) . Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy, appropriation for aviation expenses_ 636, 1465 for aircraft factory, air stations, catapults, helium, etc ______ 636, 1465 for developing types, etc., employing scientists, etc______________ 637,1465 for new construction, equipment, etc_ 637, 1465 paying incurred obligations ___ 637,1465 construction of rigid airship ___ 637, 1465 contracts for new airplanes, etc_ 637 , 1465 shore stations limited ________ 637,1465 use for airplane factory forbidden_ 637, adjusting, etc., claims for dam- ages, to private property not exceeding $250; report to Con- 1465 ~ress _____________________ 637, 1465 for Civilian personnel, Navy Depart- ment _____________________ 642,1470 deficiency appropriation for, field serv- ice, increase of compensation, 1929________________________ 1648 Bureau of Agricultural Econflmics (see Agricultural Economics Bureau, De:partment of Agriculture). Bureau of Btological Survey (see Biological Survey/ Department of Agri- culture). Bureau of Cathclic Indian Missions, land patent on Mescahro Indian Res- ervation, N. Mex., issued to___ 1716 Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (see Chem- istry .and Soils Bureau, De- partment of Agriculture). Bureau of Construction and Repair, Navy, appropriation for construction and re- pair of vessels ____________ 629,1458 intermittent employment of tech- nicists, etc ________________ 630,1458 equipment supplies ___________ 630,1458 clerical, etc., services _________ 630, 1458 for civilian personnel, Navy De- partment _________________ 642, 1470 for construction of vessels heretofore authorized ________________ 640,1468 amount for construction of the second of five light cruisers____ 1468 deficiency appropriation for construc- tion and repair _______ 24,42,47,1618 for field scrvice, increased compensa- tion, 1929____________________ 1648 Bureau of CustOfM (see Customs Bureau, Treasury Department). Bureau of Customs Tariffs (see Interna- tional Bureau for Publication of Customs Tariffs). Burea1' of Education (see Education Bu- reau, Interior Department). Bureau of Efficiency (see Efficiency Bureau). Page. Bureau of Engineering, Navy, appropriation for machinery repairs, etc_______________________ 629,1457 coast signal service___________ 629,1457 equipment supplies___________ 629,1457 intermittent employment of tech- nicists, etc ________________ 629,1457 new tools and machinery _________ 1457 clerical, etc., services _________ 629,1457 for engineering experimental station_ 629, 1458 for civilian personnel, Navy Depart- ment _____________________ 642,1470 for additional employees___________ 642 for machinery of vessels heretofore authorized ________________ 640,t 1468 deficiencyappropriationforengineering_ :01:4,42, 44, 47, 93~ 937, 1618, 1621, 1671 for field service, increased compensa- tion, 1929____________________ 1648 Bu) eau of Engraving and Printing (see Rngraving and Printing Bureau, Treasury Department). Bureau of Entomology (see Entomology Bureau, Department of Agricul- ture). Bureau of Fisheries (see Fisheries Burt'Jl.u, Department of Commerce). Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce (see Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau, Department of Commerce). Bureau of Home Economics (see Home Economics Bureau, Department of Agriculture). Bureau, oj Immigration (see Immigration Bureau, Department of Labor); Bureau of Indian Affairs (see Indian Af- fairs Bureau, Interior Depart- ment). Bureau of Insular Affairs (see Insular Affairs Bureau, Army). Bureau oj Interparliamentary Union for Promohon of International Arbi- tration (see Interparliamentary Union for Promotion of Inter- national Arbitration, Bureau of). Bureau of Labor Statisticl$ (see Labor Sta- tistics Bureau, Department of Labor). Bureau of Lighthcu,ses (see Lighthouses Bureau, Department of Com- merce). Bureau of Medicine and Surqery, Navy, . appropriation for surgeons necessaries_ 633, 1462 for civil establishment, '1ontingent expenses_____________________ 633, 1462 motor vehicles, ambulances, etc_ _ 634, 1462 naval medical school, etc________ 1462 care of insane on Pacific Coast___ 634, 1462 dental outfits________________ 634, 1462 clerical, etc., services _________ 634,1462 for care of the dead ____________ 634,1462 civilian employees dying abroad_ _ 634, 1463 retired officers, on active duty __ 63~ 1463 for civilian personnel, Navy Depart- Dlent _____________________ 642,1470