Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1401

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INDEX. 3055 Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad Page may bridge Grand Calumet River, at East Chicago, Ind_ _ _ _ __ __ __ 1108 Chicago World's Fair, President to invite foreign nations to participate in, at Chicago, Ill . in 1933______________________ 1152 condition prescribed _____________ ._ 1152 articles for exhibition at, may be ad- mitted free of duty____________ 1152 sales for delivery at close thereof, per- mitted__ _____________________ ll.'i2 dnty on articles__ _______________ 1152 expenses of Customs officials etc., to be paid h~' Fair Centennial Celebra- tion Corporation ______________ 1152 no obligation of Government for any expense______________________ 1152 Chicago lVorld's Fair Centennial Celebra- tion Corporation, whenever $5,000 ,000 available to, for a world's fair, the President is di- recten to invite foreign nations to participate therein_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ 1152 expense of cnstoms officials in charge of imported articles to be paid by _ 1152 Chic!:amU'r/ga and Chattanooga Nationa? Military Park, aj)propriation for continuing establish- ment oL ____________ .. _____ 355,1376 deficiency appropriation for paving Ringgold Road to Ringgold, Ga., from_ __ __________ ___ ___ _ 929 for paving Dry Valley Road from Rossvillc, Ga., to_____________ Hl66 amount authorized for paving La Fayette Extension Roan, an apprcach to__________________ 493 Government road from Rossville, Ga. , to___________________________ 1305 after completion, Georgia to accept title and maintain the road____ 1306 padng authorized of Ringgold Road, an approach to_ _____ ___ ____ __ 712 Cltiri. -asaw Indians, Choctaw and, appropriation for per capita payment~ to, from trust fu1lds ________ 223,1584 Chicl. -asaw Indians, Okla. (see also Five Civilized TribeH), al'propriation for expenses of sales within coal and asphalt area oL ______________________ 206, 15GR for tribal schooI8 _______________ 216 ,1577 for common schooI8 ____________ 220,1580 deficiellcy appropi"iation for equalizing allotments to freedmen________ 1617 time extendcd for filing Buit in Court of Claims, by Choctaw and_______ 1230 Chickasha, Okla. , terrnsof court at-____ ________ _______ 1518 Chidester, Olive J. (w1'dow), pension illcreuHcd_ __________________ 1736 Chicf Jo,cjlh Battle Ground of Bear's Paw, land in Montana, the site of battle be- tween Nez Pcrce8 and Army under Nelson A. l\1iIcs, with- drawn from entry, etc________ 621 agreement with Montana, etc. , for care, etc_ _______ ____ __ _______ 621 Chief Justice of tite Supreme Court of the United States, appropriation fOL ________________ 79,1109 Chief (Jf Engineers, Army, Page. appropriation for civilian ;.>ersonnel, Office of, War Department_ _ 326 , 1349 for flood protection under, by ~trengthening levees on White River, in Woodruff and Monroe Cotlnties, Ark__ _______________ 592 plan submitted by, for flood control of the Mississippi and improvement from Head of Passes to Cape Girarneau, adopted _ _ _ ________ 5:14 hoard created to carryon the project- 534 to consist of Chief of Ellgineers, prrsident of Mississippi River Commission, and an engineer from cidllife________________ 534 Chief of Finance, Army, appropriation for ch'i1ian personnel, Office of, War Department __ 326,1349 Chirf of Infantry, Army, deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929, schools under___________ Hi90 Chief of Naval Operations, m:J.Y be assigned quarters in the District constructed for Superintendent of Naval Observatory________ 1018 Chief of Staff, Army, appropriation for civilian personnel, Office of, War Department __ 326 , 1349 officer holding office as, to have rank and title of generaL ___________ 1255 to have personal money allowances of Chief of Kaval Operations___ 1255 to rank, with Chief of Naval Opera- tions, above all other officcrs_ _ _ 1255 rell'. ti ve rank of present officers not changed_____________________ 1255 "Child" '~lId "Children," terms dehned, as dependents of Army, etc., officers and enlisted men__ 1254 Child 1/palth Day, is,ue of proclamation designating May 1, as, authorized______________ 617 proclamation setting apart May 1, 1928, as , and recommending its ohservance__ ________ ________ _ 2948 Child Hygiene Serl'ice, D. C., appropriation for maintenance of wel- fare stations, etc ___________ 669,1285 Child Lalior, D. C. (see also Employment of Minors, D. C .), provisions regulating _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ 998-1006 Child Welfare, appropriation for investigations, etc_ 108 , 1138 Child lV dfare Division, D. C. , appropriation for administrative ex- penses. ___________________ 671,1288 limitation on visiting wards oL 671, 1288 for hoard and care of children ___ 672, 1288 allowances to sectarian institu- tions _____________________ 672,1288 for home care of dependent chil- drelL ____________________ 672, 1288 for receiving home for offenders, etc. , under 17__________________ 672,1288 advances to director _________ 672, 1289 deficiency appropriation for adminis- trative expenses_ _ _ ___________ 1630 for receiving, etc., home for children under 17 years of age_________ 1630 aUO\\'alH'eS to seC'tarian institutions_ 1630 Childers, Angelina (widow), pension illcrcased___________________ 1951