Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1475

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Foreign SC~L'ice-Continued. deficienC'y appropriation for statue of General Simon BolivaL _______ _ for indemnity to China for death of Chang Lin and Tong HuaH Yah _". _________ _________ ____ _ for indemnity to Dominican Republic, for death of Juan Soriano _____ _ for indemnity to China for injuries to Sun J ui-Chin _______________ _ for indemnity to Great Britain for death of Edwin TuckeL ______ _ for indemnity to the Netherlands for injuries to Arend Kamp and Francis !tort ________________ _ for payment to Great Britain in rec- ognitior, of services of William Wiseman _ . _________________ _ for indemnity to Great Britain for death of Reginald Ethelbert M yrie ______________________ _ for indemnity to China for death of Wang Erh-Ko _______________ _ for reimbursing Great Britain for services of Reverend F. North to Americans in Russia _______ _ for Gorgas Memorial Laboratory, contribution ________________ _ for Conference on Cociliation and Arbitration _________________ _ for International Road Congresses __ for Second Pan American Conference on Highways ________________ _ for Hawaiian sesquicentennial cele- bration _____________________ _ for German-AmeriC'an Mixed Claims Commission ________________ _ for Tripartite Claim Commission, United States, Austria, and Hungary ___________________ _ for Mexican general and special claims commissions ___________ _ for International Exposition, Seville, Spain_______________________ _ f0r indemnity to France for damages to steamship" Madeieine" ____ _ for American International Institute for Protection of Childhood ___ _ for International Congress of Ameri- canists ______________________ _ for reimbursing designated officers for loss of funds, etc ____________ _ for International Bureau of Weights and Measures _______________ _ for participating in International Con- ference for Safety of Life at Sea ________________________ _ for jud~e, United States Court for China ______________________ _ for Rainy Lake Reference _________ _ for relocating Canadian boundary line ________________________ _ for Bertha Hpnson _______________ _ for Cor:ference on Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters ____________ _ for International Society for Arctic Explorations by means of the Airship _____________________ _ for Interparliamentary Union, Amer- ican group __________________ _ additional appropriation authorized for MexiC'an water boundary _____ _ American RepUblics invited to attend conference of conciliation and arbitration at Washington .. __ _ _ IXDEX. 3129 Page. !n1 911 911 911 911 912 912 912 1651 912 912 912 912 912 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 914 914 1612 1G12 1612 1651 1651 1651 1652 1652 1652 60 487 Forei!ln Sen-irc-Continu::)d. Page. annual contribution authorized for Arnerican Intcrnational Instjtute for Protection of Childhood, at Montevideo, Uruguay _________ 487 credits allowed certain officers of, for loss of official funds_ __________ 1853 death allowance authorized to widows of certain officers _ __ __________ 1722 retired Navy officers may be appointed in the diplomatic service_ _ __ __ _ 1482 Foreign Sen'ice Buildings Fund, appropriation for acquiring buildings, etc., for Government use in for- eign countries ______________ 69,1100 deficiency appropriation for buildings, etc., from fund undeL_________ 27 for carrying into effecL____________ 1612 purchase, construction, or exchange, authorized in foreign countries for diplomatic and consular use_ 971 altering, furnishing, etc_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ 971 conSOlidating embassies, legations, consulates, etc., within one or more buildings ______________ . _ _ 971 employment of clerks, etc., at seat of government without regard to civil service laws______________ 971 Foreign Service Inspectors, apprproiation for expenses _________ 66, 1097 Foreign Service Officers, appropriation for salaries_ . _____ ___ 68,1098 for instruction and transit pay ___ 68, 1099 for transportation and subsistence expenses ___________________ 68, 1099 passage on foreign ships, re- stricted_ ___________________ 68, 1099 for allowances for, dying abroad __ 68, 1099 for bringing home remains of, dying abroad ____________________ 69,1099 for post allowances______________ 69,1099 deficiency appropriation for trans- portation _______________ 2,", 48, 1618 for bringing home remains of, dying abroad ____________________ 27, 1611 for salaries_______________________ 48 for post allowances________________ 48 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund, appropriation for Feeleral contribution to _________________________ 69,1100 Foreign Trade, appropriation for investigating related problems oL _______________ 87,1118- for securing information as to re- strictions, regulations, etc ____ 88,1118 Foreman, Genevieve (widow), pension increased_ _______________ ___ 2144 Forest Animals, Birds, and Wild Life, amount authorized for developing methods of management, etc., oC 701 Forest,.cat~erine (widow), penSIOn mcreased_ _ ________ _ _ ___ _ ___ 1866 Forest Fires, appropriation for fighting, etc., on public lands_ ______ ________ 203, 1566 for emergency, fighting, etc., Indian reservations _______________ 207,1570 for fighting, etc., in national for- ests _______________________ 554, 1204 for airplane patrol to prevent, etc_ 554, 1204 for cooperation with States, etc., for protecting watersheds of navi- gable streams from__ __ __ _ _ _ 555, 1206 for fighting, etc., in national parks___ 1600