Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1567

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INDEX. 3221 McCon.nell. Mary Florence (widow). 1'11£1'. penslOn ______ . . __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ _____ 2384 McConnell. Nelle. time limit for filing widow's compen- sation claim by, waived________ 2010 McCon~, Robert (eon), M~~!~~-iViUia~-P~---------------- 1836 M~C02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC)k~~------------------- 2326 reimbursement to, for property dam- ages __________________________ 2352 McCord. Helen (widow), pension increaaed ________________ . __ _ 2101 McCord, Mary E. (widow), pension increased _________________ _ 1907 McCor~le, :Adeline R. (u.i,~.,uJ). penslOn mcreased _ _ _________ 2084 McCoTf!£ic~. Clarissa E. (widow),-------- pensIOn mcreaaed_ _______ _____ 1945 McCormick. Laura A. (widow),

pension increased_ _ ___________ 1883 McCormick, Martha (widow),

pension increased_ _______ ___________ 1896 McCormick. Mary, naval gratuity pay to. for death of son 1984 McCormick, Robert M. (son), - pension increased______________ 1814 McCormick, Tlwmas,

pension__ _________ ____ _____ __ 1769 McCory. Clara (widow),

pension increased_ _ ____________ 2192 MCCO!/, ChrJrZes H. (8on),

pension____________________________ 2247 McCoy, Mary (widow), pension increased_~_________________ 2227 McCoy. Mary E. (widow). pension increased _________________ _ McCracken. Cinderella I. (widow). 2202 pension increased_ _________ __ __ ___ __ 2181 McCra~kenl Mary D. (widow), pensIOn mcreaaed _____________________ 2109· McCrady. Jennie (widow). pension increased_ ___ _____ __ _______ _ 2109 McCray, Harriet J. (widow), pension increased_ _ __ ______ __ __ __ __ _ 1891 McCrer:ry, .Elizabeth J. (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 2183 McCue1f. Elizabeth (widow), penslon____________________________ 1940 McCulloch, James L., assignments of land warrant by, vali- dated__________________ 2345 McCurdy, Elizabeth (widow),

TarmstroBot (talk) 02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC):. !V':::<t!d~~);-------------- 2302 penslOn mcreased_ _ __ ___ _______ ___ __ 2115 McDan;iel, .Eliza (widow), pensIOn mcreased_ _ ___ __ ___ ____ ___ __ 2083 McDaniel, Jennie (widow). pension increased_ _ __ ______ ________ _ 2069 McDauftt, !dary E. (widow), M~~:(f::::d~-(~~)~----------- 2132 M~D~~:(f=~-(~d~~)~---------- 2166 pension increaaed_ _ __ __ ____ _____ ____ 2288 McDonald. ChrJrlie, credit in postal accounts of, due to bank failure ______________________ _ McDonald, Francia E. (widow), AfPension---------------------------- cDonald, George W. H ., pension ___________________________ _ 2029 1767 1 2006 Macponald. Captain Jame8 T., Army, PII£e. reimbursement to. for loss of public MCDo~cilii~K~ie-(~~w),- - ----- - - --- -- 2332 M penslOn mcreased_ _ __ ______ _____ ___ _ 2173 acDonald, Nina" credit in postal accounts of, due to losses MD by bank failure_______________ 2021 c 0n:~. Lucy (widow). M penslOn lllcreased_ __________________ 2176 cDon:nell, Tlwma8 M., M~DTarmstroBot (talk) 02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC)gh,-:;;~-x.- (~~w) - - - - - -- --- 2319 pension increased _________ ' _______ ___ 2185,. Kate Coffee (widow), M peDnslon mcreased___________________ 1840 c oUjlall z Edward J., penSlOn mcreased_ _ __ ___ ____________ 2002 McDo'l1!eli, .Elizabeth (widow), M PenslOn mcreased___________________ 2066 cDowell. Doctor Ephraim, acceptance of statue of, from Kentucky, for Statuary HalL____________ 2397 proceedings on, ordered printed_____ 2398 McDo11!ell, .Rebecca (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2156 McDo'l1!ell, .Sarah J. (widow), pension mcreased___________________ 2182 McEldowney. Rlwda (widow) pension increast:d _______ ~ _ __ ____ ___ _ 2051 McEl~ney, Mary E. (widow), penSlOn___ __ __________ ___ ___ __ __ __ _ 1945 McElw~e, ¥ary C. (widow), penslOn mcreaaed___________________ 2122 McEw~n, ~adie (widow), M penslOn mcreaaed_ _ ________ _________ 2070 cEwen. Sarah A. (widow). Mr:FTarmstroBot (talk)M:::had(Wid~;;)-,- - - -- -- -- -- - 1956 M~F:~~,~sTarmstroBot (talk)i;j~-(~d~~)~ ---------- - 1977 penSIon mcreaaed_ _ _ _____ ____ _______ 2060 McFar~and., Annie E. (widow), penSlOn mcrea.sed_ _ ________ ______ ___ 2193 McFar~and, Idella (widow), Mr:FTarmstroBot (talk) 02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC);-j{a~(~d~~);----------- 1979 M~F~~iTarmstroBot (talk)-j{i;~ -O.--(~d~~)- ---- ----- -- 1896 . . ' M PenslOn mcreased_ _ ___ ___ ___________ 2130 cFar~and., Sarah A. (widow). M~Gi!~n02:45, 7 January 2012 (UTC)(~d~~);----------- 2232 M PcGieI!-SIO? lDcreased __ -__--- __ --____ ___ 2129 n!lzs,.Mary E. (widow), M~!~~, IS~~:h(~d;;;),-------------- 2089 Al~!~l:;~a~~h-i?~-(~dTarmstroBot (talk)----------- 1925 pel!-sio.n increaaed ____ ' ___ ___ ____ ___ __ 1953 McGin!Lzs, .Sarah R. (widow), M PenslOn mcreaaed_ ___ __ _____________ 1923 cGlasson, James H., M peGnsion increased___________________ 1839 c oUf/h, !dary E. (widow), M peGnslon lDcreaaed___________________ 2281 c ourty, James, compensation to, for disease contracted McGoven:J!ii:t-(TarmstroBot (talk))------------- 2375 M~G~~!~~,iJ~~=fWido~)-~ ------------ 2245 M~~t~~, iF~~:S~d(~d~~------------- 2166 pension increaaed ______ ~____________ 2272