Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1581

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INDEX. 3235 ]{idahipmen, Navy, appropriation for mileage from their homes when entering Naval Paae. Academy, etc _____________ 632,1466 appointment by Vice President of, au- thorized_ _ ______________ _____ 788 restriction of allowance of appointments of, after March 21.1928_______ 632 after January 30, 1929_____________ 1461 Midwifery, D. C ., licenses required to practice__________ 1336 Mielke, JotJeph (tJon), pension _____________ ~_____ _____ ____ 1907 Mifflin] MC?-rtha E. J. (widow), penslOn Increased___________________ 2062 Migratory Bird Comervation Act, deficiency appropriation for enforcing _ 1634 creation. of Migra~~ Bird Conserva- tlOn Commlsslon _____________ _ 1222 1222 1223 composition and authority ________ _ ex officio members from the States __ detailed report of operations to Congress each year____________ 1223 areas necessary for cOllservation of game birds to be procured_____ 1223 purchase, or rent of, approved by the commission ______________ _ military lands exCluded ___________ _ safe title to be secured ___________ _ rights of way, etc., may be retained 1223 1223 1223 by grantors__________________ 1223 consent of State to acquisition of, recurred_____________________ 1223 State jurisdiction, except for Federal offenses, not affected__________ 1224 game lawB not interfered with_ ___ 1224 specified acts affecting property, etc., of game refuges, bird preserves, etc., forbidden________________ 1224 legal fishing not forbidden, if regu- lations complied with__________ 1224 definition of migratory birds as in the treaty of 1916________________ 1224 amounts authorized annually for all expenses_____________________ 1224 increasing allotments to fiscal year 1939________________________ 1224 allotment for fiscal year 1940, and thereafter__ _ _ __ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ 1224 administration expenses___ ___ _ ___ 1224 payments to be made only to reser- vation protectors_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ 1225 selection of citizens of the State where employed, as protectors_ _ 1225 jurisdiction of Federal courts, etc., for enforcing____________________ 1225 disposal of seized birds, etc__ _ _ __ ___ 1225 violations of provisions of, a misde- meanor______________________ 1225 penalty for_______________________ 1225 comprehensive meaning of word "take" asused ______________________ 1225 consent of State required for with- drawing a bird reservation in any national forest or power site t~rein_ _______ ___ ________ ___ 1225 cooperatlOn of State by legislation for enforcing Act, etc_____________ 1225 sum authorized for expenses of com- mission_ _____ ____________ ____ 1225 order of chairman conclusive upon General Accounting Office_ _ _ __ _ 1225 invblidity of any provision, etc., not to affect remainder of Act. __ __ _ 1226 effective on approvaL_______________ 1226 Migratory Bird Conservation Commillion, Pap. creation and composition of. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1222 duties of, as prescribed in the Migra- tory Bird Conservation Act _ _ _ _ 1223 Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Bf'ar River, appropriation for establishing, etc_____ 1210 Migratory BirdtJ, proclamation prescribing additional reg- . ulations for protecting________ 2901, 2905,2922,2942,2956,2964 Migratory Game Birds, etc., appropriation for enforcing law pro- tecting ___________________ 559, 1209 establishment of Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah____________ 448 Mike8ell, Mary E. (widow), pension increased___________________ 1744 Milan,/da. (widow), penSlOn mcre8.BE'.d_ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ _ 2066 Milbur~, L,0u (widow), pension Increased___________________ 1964 Mileage, Army, appropriation for officers, etc_ _ _ _ _ _ 330, 1353 deficiency appropriation for officers, etc ________________________ 49, 1619 Mile8 City, Mont., appropriation for educating Indian youths in stock raising, Range Live Stock Experiment Station at___________________________ 1577 Mile8, Nel80n A., Army, site of battle between Nez Perces with command under, withdrawn from entry___________________ 621 care, etc., of, by Montana, etc______ 621 Miles, Captain Sherman, claim of, to be adjusted______________ 2365 Miles, Sophronia E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1822 Miles, Wade P., pension____________________________ 2007 Milford, Conn., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1659 Military Academy, appropriation for pay of professors, chaplain, constructing quarter- master; additionaL ________ 345,1367 longevity ___________________ 345,1367 subsistence__________________ 345, 1367 for pay of cadets _______________ 346, 1367 for civilian employees __________ 346,1367 disbursing and accounting as one fund _____________________ 34~ 1367 for maintenance; designated ex- penses____________________ 346, 1367 Board of Visitors ____________ 346,1367 for new cadet barracks, construction_ 136S for completing new cadet hall, etc_ _ _ 136S surplus materials, tools, etc., to be furnished for instruction infor- mation, etc _______________ 346,1368- leaves of absence to construction . employees ________________ 346, 1368 purchases permitted without adver- tising ____________________ 346, 1368 deficiency appropriation for additional pay ______________ . . __________ 928- for maintenance _______________ 929,1665 for new buildings, etc______________ 929- for pay of cadets_________________ 1665 for pay, etc., 1929 _______________ 1691 balances of appropriations for build- ings and grounds, covered in_ _ 365