Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1611

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INDEX. 3265 New Mariinst'illc, TV. 'Va., Page. bridge authorized across Ohio River, at _______________________ 29~ 1 472 New Mexico, appropriation for repairs, etc., flood damages to irrigation systems, pueblos in ________________ 214,1575 deficiency appropriation for emergency eradication of pink bollworm of cotton in____________________ 13 for payment to Jemez and Tesuque Pueblos for loss of lands and water rights_________________ 17 for support of Indians in__________ 1617 agreement with Middle Rio Gmnde Conservancy District as to irrigation, etc., of Indian Pueblo lands_______________________ 312 Aztec Ruins National Monument, area extended and name established_ 2954 Chaco Canyon National Monument, area enlarged_ __ _ __ __________ 2937 compact authorized between, and Ari- zona, for division of waters of Gila, etc., rivers ______________ 1517 and Colorado, for division of waters of the Rio Grande, San Jt~an, etc., Rivers ______________ .. ___ 1502 and Oklahoma, for divitiion of waters of Cimarron River, etc________ 1503 and Oklahoma, and Texas, for divi- sion of the waters of Rio Grande. Pecos, etc., Rivers ___________ ~ 1502 consent given, to vote on proposed amendment to its constitution; for development, etc., of min- erals on State lands___________ 58 to enact effective laws ________ . ____ 58 exchanges authorized of lands within Spanish or Mexican grants in, for additions to specified nation- al forests____________________ 431 granted lands in trust, to reimburse designated counties for interest by them, on bonds____________ 775 Silver City, for bonds and interesL_ 775 remaindcr of lands, etc., added to State school fund_____________ 775 selection and disposal of lands under enabling AcL ___ ____ ___ ______ 775 determination of distribution_______ 775 lieu selection of certain land by, authorized___________________ 1727 provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act applicable to, under Colora- do RivercompacL _______ 1057-1066 sums for allotting lands, etc., not to be used for Indians in, unless re- siding on public domain prior to June 30,1914_____________ 206,1568 time extended for relinquishing rail- road grant lands to Indians in_ _ 299 tract in Hot Springs, granted to, for public purposes_ _ _ _ _ __ _______ 1728 water power permits on Colorado River and tributaries not to be issued until March 5, 1930, unless Boulder Canyon Project Act effective prior thereto_________ 1446 New Mexico Pueblos, appropriation for irrigation project on _______________________ 210,1572 New Orleans Association of Commerce, lease authorized to, of New Orleans Quartermaster Intermediate De- pot, for exhibition purposes_ __ __ 790 New Orleans Association of Commerce- Page. Continued. lease authorized to; to become null and void on failure to use, etc _____ _ alterations of depot by Association, without Federal expense, per- mit ted ____________________ - - New Orleans, Board of Commissioners of the Port of, 790 790 payment authorized to, for rent of Army Supply Base, New Orleans, La~ _________________ .. _______ 1433 "New Orleans," Cruisu', silver !JeU used on, I".ay be delivered to Louisiana State Museum _____ _ 619 New Orleans, La., appropriation for passport bureau ___ 65, 1096 for dispatch agenL _____________ 66, 1097 for mint aL ___________________ 176, 1041 for marine hospital, building ____ 180, 1043 for quarantine seation building_ _ _ __ 1043 deficiency appropriation for quaran- tine station ________________ - _ 922 authority for site, etc., of new subtreas- ury at, repealed_______________ 1422 time extended for bridging Mississippi 193 732 1229 River, at ____________________ _ for bridging Mississippi River, by __ between Gretna and ______________ _ limit of cons~,ruction cost, marine hos- pital building at, increased_ _ _ _ 1659 New Philadelphia, Ohio, appropriation for public building______ 1043 deficiency appropriation for public building at ___________ - - - __ --- 922 New Rit'er, bridge authorized acroes, at McCreery, W. Va ______________________ _ 767 New York, appropriation for reimbursing, for ma- rine school expenses ________ 625, 1453 agreement with Vermont for creating Lake Champlain Bridge Com- mission, consented to _________ _ bridge authorized across Lake Cham- plain, between Crown Point, N. Y., and Chimney Point, Vt., by Vermont and __________ . ___ __ _ may acquire, after completion, bridge across Lake Champlain, at 120 62 Rouses Point, N. Y ___ ___ __ 513,1178 New York City, N. Y., appropriation for passport bureau ___ 65, 1096 for dispatch agenL ______________ 66,1097 for assay office aL _____________ 175,1041 for purchase of building in, for cus- toms, etc., purposes __________ _ for pneumatic tube system, custom- house and appraisers' warc- 176 house _____________________ 183, 1046 for pneumatic tube mail trans! J.ission, Brooklyn and _________ . ___ 189, 1052 for barge office slip, Governo·.s lEland ferry _______________________ _ for expenses transferring Department of Agriculture laboratory equip- to new appraisers' stores build- 335 ing__________________________ 567 fornavyyard,publicworks ______ 635,1464 deficiency appropriation for navy yard, replacing fire damages; Dry Dock No. 4 _________________ _ for pneumatic tube mail transmission, Brooklyn and _______________ _ for customhous<~ and post office, roof reconstruc.lOn. ____ ____ ____ __ _ 25 26 31