Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1615

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INDEX. 3269 North Carolina Western Judicial District, terms of court, at Asheville _________ _ Bryson City ____________________ _ charlotte _______________________ _ Shelby _________________________ _ Statesville ______________________ _ Page. 457 457 457 457 457 rooms to be provided at Statesville and Bryson City-------------- 457 offices of clerk______________________ 457 . 7 1[orth Dakota, may acquire, after completion, bridge across Missouri River, at Stanton 477 may bridge Red River of the North, Fargo, N. Dak., to Moorhead, Minn ____________ .___ __ ___ __ 472 Grand Forks, N. Dak., and East Grand Forks, M;nn __________ _ 113 time extended for bridging Red River of the North, by, etc_____________ 1534 North, .Eli~a (widow), pensIOn lllcreased _ _ _________________ 2273 North, Reverend F., British Chaplain, deficiency appropFiation for reimburse- ment of Great Britain, for sums expended by, in relief of Ameri- can nationalr in Russia________ 912 payment directed to Great Britain for expenses of, relieving Americans in Russia, in 1920 _____________ 484 appropriation authorized _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 484 North Little Rock, Ark., transfer authorized of portion of Veter- 11.ns ' Bureau Hospital reservation at, to Big Rock Stone and Mate- rial Company-------- .. -- -- -- -- 369 land received in exchange__________ 369 North Platte Irrigati')n Project, Nebr.- Wyo., appropriation for operating commercial system from power revenues_ 229, 1591 for Farmers' Irrigation District_____ 1593 Northc1!tt, ;1ugusta (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ____ 2135 Northern and Northwestern Lakes, appropriation for survey oL ______ 358,1379 Northern Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, Mont., appropriation for support, etc________ 1583 defic~ency appropriation for sup- port ___________________ 47,934,1617 Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Mont., deficiency appropriation for expenses, allotting lands on_ ________ _ 206, 1638 Northern Pacific Land Grants, balance available for continuin_g inves- tigations of, by Joint Congres- sional Committee ____________ _ continuation of Joint Committee to in- 3 vestigate, until June 30, 1929_ _ 789 withholding approval of, extended to June 30,1930_________________ 1221 Joint Committee continued until end of 1st session of 71st Congress_ _ 1221 unexpended balance for Committee on, available to pay secretary, etc., to March 4, 1929_____________ 1608 Northern Pacific Railroad Company, deficiency appropriation for Joint Con- gressional Committee investi- gating grants, etc.; balance re- appropriated_ ________________ 886 Northern Pacific Railway Compa'[tY, gift of lands, etc., from, adjacent to Columbia River bird refuge, Wash., to become a partthereoL 1413 Northern Saddlery Company, P&ge. claim for overpayment by, to be ad- justed_______________________ 2365 Northrup, Alonzo, military record corrected _____________ 2046 Northrup, O. W ., payment to, for fire damages_________ 2328 Northville, Mich., appropriation for fish hatchery at ___ 99,1129 Northwest Florida Corporation, may bridge Perdido Bay, Inerarity Point, Fla., to Baldwin County, Ala_________________________ 771 Northwest Territory, deficiency appropriation for expenses participation in sesquicentennial celebration of conquest oL_____ 887 North west Territory Sesquicentennial, George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission established __ __ ___ 723 composition oL___________________ 723 sum authorized to be expended by Commission for memorial in Vincennes, Ind., commemo:oating winning of Old Northwest, and achievements of, George Rogers Clark in Revolutionary War _ _ _ 7:<:4 Indiana to furnish site and maintain memoriaL __________________ _ acceptance of gifts, authorized _______ _ approval of expenditures; no Federal 724 724 liability for debts ______ . ______ 724 plans of memorial to be approved by Commission of Fine Arts _ _ _ __ _ 724 no fees to be imposed for admission_ _ _ 724 termination of Commission June 30, 1931 _______________________ _ 724 Norton, Ethel (widow), pension____________________________ 1994 Norton, Lavinia M. (widow), pension increaRed_ _ ______________ ___ 2073 Norton, Mary (widow), pension increased_ _ __________ _______ 2079 Norton.Ma.ryS. (widow), penslOn lDcreased_ _ __ _______________ 2079 Norton! Ro.sellia (widow), penSlOn lDcreased___________________ 2124 Norton, Va., deficiency appropriation for Mines Bu- reau garage at. ____ ____ ___ ___ _ 16 Norway, appropriation for minister to_ ______ 65, 1096 deficiency appropriation for ~'!!'ylIl.g in- terest on postal accounts wIth._ Nowland, Joseph, alias James Rogers, pension____________________________ 2275 Noye8, Minn., appropriation for public building_ _ _ _ _ 1043 deficiency appropriation for public building at.___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 922 Nugent, Fred R., military record corrected____________ 1708 Nugent! M.artha A. (widow), penSlOn lDcreased ________ . . ________ __ 2296 Nugent, Sarah A. (widow), pension____________________________ 2213 Nuisances, D. C., appropriation for abatement oL ___ 668,1285 Null, Barbara E. (widow), pension____________________________ 1784 Nurse Corps, Army, payment authorized for recovery of bodies of members oL_________ 248