Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1808

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3462 INDEX. Wilson, Mary E. (daughter), pension ___________________________ _ Wilson/ Mary E. (widow), pen&on ___________________________ _ Wilson! MI!-ry J. (widow), )?Elnsion mcreased __________________ _ Wtlson/ MI!-ry M. (widow), penSlOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson/ MI!-ry P. (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson! MI!-tilda (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson! Mt;rcy A. (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson, Morrow W., pension ___________________________ _ Wilson, N. C., deficiency appropriation for public building at __________________ _ terms of court at; rooms to be pro- vided _______________________ _ Wilson/ N~ncy J. (widow), penslOn mcreased _____________ • ____ _ Wilson/ N~Uie (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson/ Pe:melia C. (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson/ Ri~ (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson, Simp8on, pension ___________________________ _ Wilson/ SUfan E. (widow), ~~!:oS;ac~~(:!icio~)~-------------- penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Wilson, Virgil V. (son), ~:~owiih;l~i~(;;id~)~----------- )?Elnsion increased __________________ _ Wtlson/ William L. (ton), ~nsIon---------------------------- WtU, B,ali1lfJ (widow), --- J>l"nslOn mcreased __________________ _ Winans, C. S ., credit allowed, for stolen consular funds _______________________ _ Winc1u;l, R.achel A. (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Winc1u;ll, ~usan F. (widow), penslOn mcreased __________________ _ Winchester r Ella (widow), }?Elnsion mcreased __________________ _ Wtnchester, Mat8., deficiency appropriation for public building at __________________ _ Wind Cave National Park, S. Dak., appropriation for administration, etc__ deficiency appropriation for _________ _ Wind River Indian Reservation, (see also Shoshone Indian Reservation, Wyo.), appropriation for irrigation system; PlIMe. 2301 1794 1897 1937 1968 2069 1939 2381 34 495 2207 1948 2088 2182 1996 2233 1959 2280 2285 2154 2083 1721 1972 2205 2205 34 235, 1598 1621 extension of canals, etc _____ 214,1576 deficiency appropriation for allotments to unallotted Indians on_______ 899 Winder Building, D. C ., appropriation for installation of electric elevator in __________________ _ Windom Place NW., D. C., appropriation for paving-,- etc., Thirty- eighth Street to Wisconsin Ave- 583 nue; from gasoline tax fund____ 1269 Winer,.M~rgaret B. (widow), pensIon lncreased___________________ 2300 Wiug, ~lic.e A. (widow), PlljJe. penslOn lncreased_ _____ __ __ ____ ____ _ 1912 Wing, Louise (widow), pension____________________________ 2294 Wing, Mary A. (widow), ' pension__ ___ __ __ ____ __ __ ______ __ __ _ 1766 Wing~, Eqa (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2304 Winn, ~~ M. (widow), penSlOn mcreased___________________ 2128 Winnebago Indian H08pital, Nebr., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of; X-rayequipment _______ 221,1581 for improvements, etc_____________ 1581 Winnebago Tribe oJ Indians all claims of, against United States, not heretofore determined to be adjudicated by Court of Claims_ 1027 procedure, etc_ __ ________ ______ __ _ 1027 attorney's fees, etc., to be fixed by court_______________________ 1028 disposal of amounts recovered; tax- ing of costs___________________ 1028 court expenses payable from tribal funds________________________ 1028 Winnemucca, Nev., deficiency appropriation for purchase of land, etc., for Indian Colony near __________________ , __ _ _ __ _ 899 purcha~e of land in vicinity of, author- Ized for an Indian colonv _ _ ____ 618 amount for moving cabins, etc______ 618- Winsh~p, Ifelen E. (widow), penSlOn mcrea.sed___________________ 2167 Winship, ¥alinda (widow). penslOn mcreased_ _ ______ ____ ____ __ _ 215(} Winslow, Francis A., Judge/or New York Southern Judicial District, subcommittee of Judiciary of House of Representatives directed to in- quire into official conduct oL___ 1325 to report to the Committee whether judge believed to be guilty of acts of high crimes and mis- demeanors under the Constitu- t~n_________________________ 1325 powers of, to hold meetings, admin- ister oaths, etc________________ 1325 to report to Judiciary Committee of the 71st Congress_____________ 1325 expenses authorized from the House contingent fund; limit_________ 1325 Winslow, George A., military record Ilorrected_____________ 1718 WinsloYl, J.ulia E. (widow), penslOn mcreased_ _ __ ______ _________ 1889 Winslow, Susan A. (widow), pensioD____________________________ 1760 Winter! Annie C. (widow), pensIOD____________________________ 1767 Winter! Caroline L. (widow), penslOn increased___________________ 2136 Winter! Frank H., pensIon____________________________ 1843 Winter! Ko;te (widow), penslOn mcreased_ _ _________________ 2057 Winter~, N.ellie (widow), penslOn lncrea.sed_ _ __ __________ _____ 1952 Wintro~e, ~attie B. (widow), peDslOn mcreased_ _ ________ __ _______ 1747 Wireless Communication (see Radio Com- munication) . Wirick! A~nie (widow), penslOn mcreased___________________ 2139