Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/233

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS; 'S., ..:' I. Oil~; no. ',1928. i .. The name of. Haqnall. D ., Mead. widow ,at Edwin <M-- .- d, .We 'of Company D t Tenth ~ent Indiana Vo1un.teer'Ca~; and pal her a ~OD at:the.nte of;$lJO per mbD.thitt&tlol' that 1Ihe 18 DOW reoeiv'..... , '.' f ' " ••~

, , The naaae if'&rah E.Mitxilie1.l1widow bf J'o1m'l'o'MiteheiL late of CompanI B, One hundred and t¥rty-nint!l ~0lri0,V'"~1~ ~ 1Jffan~.. ,.m.paY·her,a.~ at thi ~'~fi$lSO per mmth m lieu 'Of thit .,18;nowJnoeI " ., t' ". '" • The 'name of ~;&, Powell, widow oflWltine PoweUtt~ of Company F" Forty-first ~ent Missouri Volunteer lDfantry, and pay her 'a}MilSion·at the. raa . .of $20 per. mcinth and incftase th~ rate to _'~.J!lDIltii ..hen'she~ hive eompetent e'fldenceshe;bu·~ecl:theageof8iDy ~ , ': ' .!,." The name of BncUlet M. Brasllnai, Wlciow of: Maurice, B~, late ofOotap&a~~rd ~ New York: VolUDteer Inf~, and .pay her,a' .' . on at die rate of $IjO per morith' in.1iM1 of that she 18 now receJ.Vll~.., ' , . ,: ,' " , " The DUDe' of i4Di8i Cox, Wl . •dow ofWilliamH. ~~' Bat- tery D, Seco.nd 'Regiment United States Vol~ . , .aaa. payhar & ~on at the rate of $60 per month in Jieu:of ~;ahe 18 now recel~. '"


The'natne of Catherlne'f..eemard, widOw of Jdhtt.~ laUI' of Comp:1 K, Secoad· Be~t N~w Yerk. Veteran' VoIJmteer ~ ~, .pay her & pe~ at'th8 ~ of ~ per·mdaih in lieO,df that she 18 now recelVlI!!- .• .,: , . I' ,


'!'be name of Evalliie.Harris, widowlof JGhn .Jilarrla, We of (l)m- pADy B, Sixth BegimtDt TenneBlee VolUllCeer 'Infantry, and paY' he- a ~0Il at 'the· raM of. $50 per month in lieu of ItlIa.* the... ~ now recetTmg , ' . .' '.' The Mme. 'af Honora Ta~~ widow'of Sames ,i'atl~.~f,(l)~­ paDyH,Eleventh ~nt Musachuatta Volu!lteer ',and pay her .. ~ at the rate of $lSO per monthia 'lieu of thatlhe 18 Th: n=!~\rary J. JO'tlee, wid~w of Isaac; 'Jo~ 11a~of <ilom- pany D Twelfth Regiment, "and CompanJ' H; Tweaty..third Regi- ment, dhio Volunteer Infantry, and p&yher &~'on at tile· rate of $60 per month in lien of that she is now recei " " The name of Eliza Williams, widow of Joel HHam.e, late of Company E, Third ~mefttlndiana Volunteell Ca'ftlrytud pay her a pension at the rate of 'too per month.

The name of Sallie 'H. Murphy. widow of John Murpby~ Iak of Company D, Fortieth Regiment ~diana Volunteer InlLDiry; and pay her, a ~~on at the r ...teof ~Oper month,m lieu oftliat she IS now receIVIng. '. ' ,', The name of Mary' A. DoftSton, former widow of :Hieftael Ki.. singer, late of Company A, Ninety-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a ~on at the rate of $GO per 'lDOIlth in lieu of that she'is now receiving. " ,.' The name of Amanda Pierson, helpless and dependent _d .!-uKhter of Aaron P. Pierson, late of Company H t Ninth Regiment MiclUgan Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a peD8lon at the rate of $20 per month. .', .' The name of Elizabeth Davis, widow of Wesley P. Da.~ late of Company B,. Seventeenth Regiment Ohio VolUDteer Infantry, and unassigned detachment, Veteran Reserve' Corps, ~d pay her a ~nsion at the rate of $M per monttr in lieu '01 that she is now receiving. ,,' The name of MargRret S. Butler2 'widow ?f 9harles Butler, late of Company· K, Forty-seventh Regiment llimols Volunteer Infan- SarU E. Mltcbell. P8DIIon. JeDlIIe E. Powell. PeosIoDlllncnued. Brid&et M. BruiIIIL ,.... ,..,.. MIlT 1.10De1. PeDIIon. Elisa WI1lIamI. PeDIIooIlDcnued. Sallie H. Murphy. Mary A. DoDlItOD. PmIlon. Amanda Plenoo. PensioDllncreued. Elbabeth Davia. IUrpnt B. BaUer.