Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/262

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1938 ·SEVEN'fIETH CONGRESS. SESS. I. Cu. 740. ·1928. ·Am~D. Le,m~. ': : ,The: name of Atny ~.Laml>m:an,. widow of Franklin ·, - late, of Cotnpai'lY .K,:EIgb~y-eIght~ Regiment ,Pennsylvama:,Volun- teerInftntry,8:hdpayher a pensIon at the rate of $50 per month 11::' to cease on lin;jieu of·that'she. ~,now receiving'!: P1'O'fJidea, That in the event death of child. .o'f:.t~~ dea~h ofjDJi~ La':Eljilll.i lielpless and, d(!p~~ent daugh.ter -of )~ltJ ~m1 D. ~'nd Fra: n Lampman, the addItional y,:Slon Pension to eh~don ,hm-hlBJ oonted: shall cease tuld 'determine: And~Hed her deaUiofmother. '~. '!LbI.t ... . f I!'VV. .. ... . 1 .. umt m'~lle>'&'f'entof ·the death 0 Amy D. Lampman, th\3 name ot ~naisey Lampman shall be 'placed on the pemriolllltoU; subject , tk;;tle I ptovisions 'a.nd 'limitations of' the pension .Jaws, ~t the, rate ~ $ motith,'irom and after the date of deAth ·of saId A'!riy D.


..' ': .;,., .' ' ,1 Hano.rah BalTl'. ,,;: rrlie;nBme of HanorBh 'Bar'ry, widow of Patrick Barry, lafu of Company H, Thirty-fourth, Regiment Ohio Volunteer Iriifantry, 'e.n,d pay her Ii :p~nsioIi. at the rate of $50 per month In lieu of that 'she is now ra.:;el~.·' ".' ' ,', >, .," \ Pension. Louisa Debuke. J I i TM name. of :tOwsa Debuke, widOw of' Thomas Debuke, late of Company I, S!xt~eth Regiment New-' York Volunteer Infantry, and , , "" '! payhGr .apelislOD ...t the rate of $30 per month. ; li, • ide:TarmstroBot (talk)i~~' ,·tJ'lta- n$me of .laa Hazlett;. widow' of James: Hazlett; late of Com:. pany H, .sixth :R~ment Pemtsylvania, Reserve Volunteer Iniantry:, and Company I, FIrst Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, and. pay her 11,) ~on at the' rate, of' $50 per month .in lieu· of that she is now l'eCei~.. , .: . ,; ,t! . I ' • Elizabeth E. Fisber•. . IDh6 name of Elizabeth E. Fisher, widow of George Fisher, late of I , .Co~pames ,I and, F~ Sixty.seventh Regiment PennsylvaniaVolun- ~:.m:fantry" and pay her a .~~ion at the rate ·.o~ $50 per ~ontJ.l -IJll ~u·of tliatshe 18 now recmvmg,and anaddibonal penSlon' of . . ' $~Oper month, for the'helpless and 'dependent daughter of Stella G.

. to _

on P-rovllJstl, That i 10 the event of the death' of· Stella G. death of child. FiBher, helpleis imd deJ.>8Ildent daughter of said Elizabeth E. and 6ebrge.FidIer; the addItiOnal pension of $20, $8 of which is herein Pension to eblld 'on granted, shall cease and determine: And pr01Jid,ed fvrther, That in death otlilbtbei:. J,heefent of tlle death: of Elaabeth E. ~isherthe name of said Stella 6. Fisher shall be placed on the penSion l roll, subj~t, to the provisions and limitations of· the pension laws, at the rate of $20 Pemlom. . Nanc~ Mayes. Nlmshi Numm. ~r month· from and after the- date of' death of said Elizabeth .E . Fisher. ., . .. The name of N&Dcy Ml!yes, widow of Henle~ C,. Mayesi'nlate of Company G, Fourteenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer fantry, and pay ber a pension ,at the rate of $30fer mon~• . .Tlie name of Nimshi Nuzum, late 0 Ca:{>tain Napoleon Altop's indeI:!dent company of scouts, West Virgmia State Troops, and pay . a pension at the rate of $50 per month: . r~~:~+~=ri. The name of Ada P., Thompson, widow of Charles Thompson, late,ef Company A, One hundred and tenth Regiment Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per. month in lieu of that she is now receiving. I, ~~ot Worden. The name of Mary A. Worden, former widow of Ira J. Worden, late of Company D, Twelfth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infan- try.J. .and pay her a ~nsion at the rate o~ $30 per m~J).th. rTarmstroBot (talk)' .' The name of JUlia A. Woodruff, wldo'W of .George S. Wood· ruJf, date of Company A, Third and Fifth Regiments Michigan .VolUnteer Infantry, aDd ;pay her B pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she IS now receiving. ' 01!ve~er. , The naine of ,Olive Pitcher, widow of George k Pitcher, late of .Company H, Ninth Regiment New York VolunteerHeavy Artillery, - and ,pay.her' a ,~nsion at the rate of $50 p&r mOl;lth.. in 'lieu of that she is now receIving. ".