Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/345

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEBB. I . CBS. 961-963 . 1928. 2021 OHAP. 961. -An Act For the relief of W. H . Kaufman. May 20. 1828. [S.2O&1.) Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the [Private. No. 267.] United States of America in Oongres8 aB8embled, That the Secretary w. H . Kaufman. of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay to W. H . Kauf- ~;!f'::=~:~~' for man, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise approI>riated, the sum of $25, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States for damage to his crops caused by the landing of a United States Forest Service airplane engaged in forest-fire patrol. Approved, May 29, 1928. May 20. 1928. OHAP. 96g. -An Act Authorizing the allotment of Carl J. Reid DUBsome as -..~[S~.~'JfI1-;;&::.L')=--, . . . - a Kiowa Indian, and directing issuance of trust patent to him to certain lands of [Private, No. :1118.) the Kiowa Indian Reservation, Oklahoma. Be it ~d by the Senate and Home of Repe8entatwe8 of the United State8 of America in Oongre88 aB8emlJled, That the Secretary Carll. Reid nus- of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue ;~ ~~n~ on a patent containing the usual restrictions against alienation inserted va~~:, 8k1a. rva- in other trust patents to Indians on the Kiowa Reservation, covering the northwest quarter section 23, township 6, range 16 west, Indian meridian, known as the Rainy Mountain School Reserve, in Kiowa County, Oklahoma, to the said Carl J. Reid Dussome, who has heretofore received no allotment of land from any source: Provided, ~. f aU tiler That this shall be in lieu of all claims to any allotment of land or claIms~e~~ 0 money settlement in lieu of an allotment. Approved, Ma.y 29, 1928. May 20, 1928. CHAP. 963 .- An Act For the relief of Nina MacDonald, Zenas V. Johnston, [8.233tI.) Margaret E. Thompson, Arthur L. Beaman, and May Fee. [Private. No. llGU.) Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Repr:e8entatWes of the United States of America in Oongre88 aB86'1'T1bled, That the Post- c=~d;::':if= master General be, and he is herebyz authorized and directed to ~r!~ oTarmstroBot (talk). credit the accounts of Nina MacDonald. late .I?ostma.ster at Sunland, Be. California, in the sum of $40.46, due the Umted States on account of loss of postal funds resulting from loss of registered parcel con- taining $166.46, which loss occurred February 14, 1926; Zenas V. Zenas V.lohnston. Johnston~ late postmaster at Atwater, Minnesota, in the sum of $351.36, d.ue the United States on account of loss of postal funds resulting from the failure of First National Bank of Atwater Min- nesota; Margaret E. Thompson, late postmaster at Grey Eagle, Marpret E. Thompo Minnesota, in the sum of $47.52 due the United States on account lIOn. of the loss of postal funds resuiting from the failure of the First National Bank of Grey Eagle, Minnesota j Arthur L. Beaman, late Arthur L. Beaman. postmaster at Snow Hill, North Carolina, in the sum of $268.60, due the United States on account of loss of postal funds resulting from the failure of the Snow Hill Banking and Trust Company; May Fee, late postmaster at Charbonneau, North Dakota, in the May Fee. sum of $299.48, due the United States on account of the loss of postal funds resulting from the failure of the First National Bank l'rorMo. at Fairview, Montana: Provided, That the said late postmasters ~Ienment of who have suffered loss through said bank failures shan assign to . the United States any and all claims they may to dividends arising from the liquidation of said banks. Approved, May 29, 1928.