Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/735

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNICN. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2411 de los servicioe a. que Be refiere la. presente Convenci6n y demas Convenios especiales celebrados por este Congreso. Articulo 5 CORRESPONDENCIA CER- TIFICADA.-RESPONSA- BILIDAD 1. Los objetos mencionados en el articulo anterior podran ser expedidos con el caracter. de certificado, mediante el pago pre- vio de un derecho igual al que la Administraci6n de ori~en tenga establecido en su serviClo interno. 2. Salvo en los casos de fuerza mayor, las Administraciones con- tratantes seran responsables de la perdida. de todo envio certifi- cado. El remitente tendrA dere- cho a ser indemnizado en una suma que, en ningUn caso, podrA ser superior a 3 d61ares 85 centa- vos. Articulo 6 FRANQUEO OBLIGATORIO 1. Se declara obligatorio el franqueo completo de toda clase de correspondencia, incluso los paquetes cerrados, a excepci6n de las cartas en su forma usual y ordinaria, a las cuales se les clarA curso, siempre que lleven, por 10 menos, el franqueo corres- pondiente a un porte sencillo. 2. Los demas objetos no francos o insuficientemente franqueados, quedaran detenidos en la Oficina de origen, que procederA con ellos en la forma que determine su legislaci6n interna. 3. Por las cartas insuficiente- mente franqueadas s610 se co- brarA del destinatario la dife- renda. de porte no pagado por el remitente. Articulo 7 PESO Y VOLUMEN tion with any of the services re- ferred to by the present Conven- tion and other special Conven- tions concluded by this Congress. Article 5 REGISTERED CORRE- SPONDENCE. - R ESPONSI- BILITY 1. The objects mentioned in Registered articles. th ed · A'1 b PfMt, p. 2422 . e prec mg rtICe may e sent under registration upon pay- ment in advance of a. fee equal to that which the Administration of origin has established in its do- mestic service. 2. Save in cases of force ma- Responsibility for jeure, the contracting Adminis- loss. trations will be responsible for the loss of every registered article. The sender will have the right to indemnity in a. sum which in no case may be higher than 3 dollars 85 cent.s. Article 6 OBLIGATORY PREPAY- MENT 1. The complete prepayment Prepayment. of all classes of correspondence is declared obligatory, mcluding sealed J> ack ages , with the excep- tion of letters in their usual and ordinary form, which will be for- warded whenever they bear at least the postage corresponding to a. single-we~ht-unit. 2. Other articles not prepaid Articles not prepaid. or insufficiently prepaid will be held in the Office of origin, which will proceed with them in the manner determined by its do- mestic legislation. 3. For insufficientm prepaid Insufficiently pre- 1 nlh · . paId letters. etters, 0 y ted erence m postage not paid by the sender will be collected from the ad- dressee. Article 7 WEIGHT AND VOLUME Los limites de peso y dimen- The limits of weight and dimen- Limit of weight and siones de los diversos objetos de sions of the various articles of sue. correspondencia, se ajustaran a correspondence will conform to