Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/742

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2418 PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. Articulo 20 Article 20 PROPOSICIONES DURANTE PROPOSITIONS IN THE EL INTERVALO DE LAS INTERVAL BETWEEN REUNIONES MEETINGS Modifications be· tween meetings. Procedure. Yol. 44, p. 2229. Votes required. Effective date 01 modi· firations. La presente Convenci6n podra ser modificada en el intervalo que medie entre los Congresos, si- guiendo el ~rocedimiento esta- blacido en el Capitulo III de la Convenci6n Postal Universal de EstocoImo. Para que tengan fuerza ejMutiva, las modifica- ciones deberan obtener unanimi- dad de votos para el presente articulo y para. los nUmeros 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,9,13,16,17,18,20,22, 24 Y 25; dos terceras partes de votos para los nUmeros 7, 10, 11 Y 19; Y simple mayorla para los demas. Articulo 21 MODIFICACIONES Y ENMIENDAS Las modificaciones 0 resolu- ciones adoptadas por las partes contratantes, aun aquellas de orden interno que afecten el ser- vicio internacional, tendran fuerza ejecutiva cuatro meses despues de la facha de la comunicaci6n de la Oficina Internacional de la Uni6n Postal Panamericana. Articulo 22 APLICACION DE LA CON- VENCION :POSTAL UNI- VERSAL Y DE LA LEGIS- LACION INTERNA Excbange 01 mails 1TdI to 1 subject to Universal • 0 OS OSasun squeserea- ~ostal Union provo cionen con el cambio de corres- SIOns. d' 1-( pon enClas entre os plUses con- tratantes, que no esten previstos en esta Convenci6n, se sujetaran a las disj>osiciones de 1a Con- venci6n Postal Universal y su Reglamento. tIP~.mestic regulao 2. IguaImente, la Legislaci6n interior de los dichos paises Be aplicara en todo aquello que no hays sidoprevisto porambasCon- venciones. The present Convention may be modified in the interval be- tween Congresses, following the procedure established in Chapter III of the Universal Postal Con- vention of Stockholm. In order t. become effective, the modifica- tions must obtain unanimity of votes for the present Article and Articles 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 25; two- thirds of the votes for Articles 7, 10, 11 and 19; and a simple ma- jority for the rest. Article 21 MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS The modifications or resolu- tions adopted by the contracting parties, even those of a domestic order which affect the interna- tional service, will become effec- tive four months after the date of the relative notice from the International Office of the Pan- American Postal Union. Article 22 APPLICATION OF THE UNI- VERSAL POSTAL CON- VENTION AND DOMESTIC LEGISLATION 1. All matters in connection with the exchange of correspond- ence among the contracting coun- tries which are not provided for in this Convention will be su~iect to the stipulations of the Uni- versal Postal Convention and its Regulations. 2. Likewise, the domestic legis- lation of the said countries will apply in everyt.hing that has not been provided for by either Con- vention.