Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/750

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2426 PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. Vol. ..., p. 2242. puesto en el articulo 42 del Con- venio do Estocolmo. ~;~~age paid" peri- 2. En aquellos paises de 10. Union Postal Panamericana, en que sa halle establecido 0 se establezca el "porte pagado " para los peri6dicos, los paquetes que los contengan deberan llevar en su cubierta 180 menci6n: "porte pagado ". Las Administraciones inte- resadas remitiran alas demas, por conducto de 180 Oficina Inter- nacional de Montevideo, una relaci6n de los peri6dicos' a los cuales hayan concedido este de- recho, asi como cualquiera otra indicaci6n util para que las Ofi- cinas de Cambio puedan dis- tinguirlos facilmente de aquellos que no gocen de dicho privilegio. Insufficiently pre- 3. En el anverso de los sobres paid matter. Exchange of diplo- matic pouches. Ante. p. 2 ·112 . de las cartas insuficientemento franqueadas, 10. Administraci6n de origen estampara el sello "T" y consignara 180 indicaci6n en d?lar~s del importe de 180 insufi- ClenCla. La Oficina de destino percibira del destinatario esta insuficiencia, haciendo la conversi6n de la cuantia en su propia moneda, teniendo en cuenta para. reali- zaria, las equivalencias adoptadas por los respectivos paises de origen. Articulo 5 VALIJAS DIPLOMA.TICAS 1. El peso y dimensiones de las valijas diplomMicas que se cam- bien entre cada uno de los Minis- terios de Relaciones Exteriores, de los paises de 180 Uni6n Postal Panamericana Y' los represen- tantes diplomMlCos de los otros paises, en virtud de 10 dispuesto en el parrafo 2 del articulo 9 del Convenio, seran determinados, de comun acuerdo, entre las partes interesadas. Receipt and delivery. 2. Los Ministerios de Rela- ciones Exteriores y los repre- sentantes diplomaticos, deposi- taran estas valijas en las Oficinas de Correos, bajo recibo y con 180 misma formalidad seran entre- gadas por estas, a sus destina- tarios. cordance with the provisions of Article 42 of the Convention of Stockholm. 2. In those countries of the Pan-American Postal Union where the" postage paid" service is or may be established for periodicals, the .packages con- taining them shall bear·on their covers the note: "Porte Pagado " (Postage Paid). The Administrations concerned will send to the others, through the intermediary of the Inter- national Office of Montevideo, a list of the periodicals to which this right has been granted, as well as any other indication that will be useful to the exchange offices in distinguishing them easily from those which do not enjoy the said privilege. 3. On the obverse side of the envelopes of insufficiently prepaid letters, the Administration of origin will place the "T" stamp, and will indicate in dollars the amount of the insufficiency. The Office of destination will collect this insufficiency from the addressee, converting ~he amount into its own money, taking into account, for the purpose, the equivalents adopted by the re- spective countries of origin. Article 5 DIPLOMATIC POUCHES 1. The weight and dimensions of the diplomatic pouches ex- changed between each one of the Ministries of Foreign Relations of the countries of the Pan-Ameri- can Postal Union and the diplo- matic representatives in the other countries, by virtue of the pro- visions of Section 2 of Article 9 of the Convention, will be deter- mined by common consent be:' tween the parties concerned. 2. The Ministries of Foreign Relations and the diplomatic representatives will deposit these pouches in the post offices, taking a receipt, and they will be deliv- ered by the post offices to their addressees with the same for- mality.