Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/923

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JUNE 21,1926. The disciplinary committee may inflict, without consulting the Board: lIS Censure and 2 d suspension of pay up to one month. ART. 22. The disciplinary penalties shall be: 1. Censure. 2. Suspension of pay from eight days to three months. 3. Transfer without indemnity. 4. Dismissal. All without prejudice to any actions to be brought for common law crimes or offenses. 2599 Dl8ClpliD.ry penal· ties. ART. 23. Sanitary and quarantine dues shall be collected by .he tIS~itaryandquaran. agents belonging to the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Service. ne Ue8. The latter shall ('.onform, in regard to accounts and book keeping, . to the general regulations established by the Ministry of Finance. The accounting officers shall address their accounts and the pro- ceeds of their collections to the President of the Board. The accountinf!: officer who is chief of the central bureau of ac- counts shall acqwt them over the visa of the President of the Board. ART. 24 . The Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board shall have FlnanC&' of Board. control over its own finances. The administration of the receipts and expenses sha.lI be intrusted commlt~d on Fl· to a Committee composed of the President, the Inspector General of nances crea . the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Service and of three dele- gates of the Powers elected by the Board. It sh~ be entitled" Com- mittee on Finances." The tliree dele~tes of the Powers shall be renewed every year. They shall be ree' ·ble. Subject to ratification by the Board, t .s Committee shall fix the DutiesofCommlt~ salary of the employees of every grade; it shall decide on the perma- nent and the unforeseen expenses. Every three months, at a special meeting, it shall make a detailed report on its management to the Board. Within three months followmg the expiration of the budg- et~ year, the Board i upon the recommendation of the Committeee, 1Jhall strike a final ba. ance and transmit it through its President to the Ministry of the Interior. The Board shall prepare the budget of its receipts and that of its BudptofBoa.rd. expend.itures. This budget shall be adopted by the Cabinet, at the same time as the general budget of the Government, as an annexed budget. In case the expenditures should exceed the receipts, the deficit shall be covered from the general resources of the Nation. However, the Board shall without delay examine into the means of balancing the receipts and expenditures. Its recommendations shall be transmitted by the President to the Minister of the Interior. Any surplus that may exist shall accrue to the treasury of the Sani- tary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board; it shall, after a decision is reached by the Sanitary Board and ratified by the Cabinet, be de- voted exclusively to the creation of a reserve fund for use in emer- gencies. ART. 25. The President shall be obliged to order voting done by tl~~l~:~r~ tg~B~~ secret ballot whenever three members of the Board so request. Vot- ing by secret ballot shall be eompulsory whenever it is a question of the choice of Delegates of the Powers to form part of the Disci- plinary Committee or of the Committee on Finances and when it is a question of appointing, dismissing, transferring, or promoting employees. ART 26 The Governors Prefects of Police and Mudirs shall be Authorltyforenfor. , .. '. • , , • ment of regulations. respoIlSlble, as far as concerns them, for the enforcement of the S8.Ill - tary regulations. They, as well as the civil and military allthorities, shall give their assistance, whenever legally called upon by the agents of the Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Service, in order to insure the prompt enforcement of the measures taken in the interest of pUblic health.