Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/986

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2662 CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBElt 18, 1927. entre as duas Administra<;Oes, contendo moeda, barras de ouro ou prata, joil! 5, OU qualquier outro artigo de valor. Sa uma encomenda., contendo moods, barras de ouro ou prata, joias, ou qualquer outro artlgo de valor, for depositada sem ser 1e- gistada, ela sera registada, pelo correio que primeiro notar 0 facto, e tratada, pelo mesmo cor- reia, em conformidade com os re- gulamentos do seu paiz. Fees for indemnity. 3. A Administra<;iio de origem tem 0 direito de fixar os seus pre- mios pelos diferentes limites de indemniza<;iio dentro do maximo prescrito. Re.turn receipts and XI. AVlsOS DE RECEPQAO E PEDI- inqumes. I ~ DOS DE NFORMAQOES. Advice of delivery. 1. 0 expedidor duma en co - menda registada ou encomenda com valor declarado pode obter um aviso de rece~ao mediante 0 pagamento duma taxa adicional, caso haja, estipulada pelo paiz de origem. . Requests for informs- 2. U m premio lodera. ser co- tlon. bd~ lh 'd' ra0,110esco a 0 palZ eorI- gem, ~or um pedido de Informa- !:8.0, respeitante a entrega duma encomenda ordinaria e tambem duma encomenda registrada ou encomenda com valor declarado, feito depois da encomenda ter aido depositada no correio e no caso de nao ter sido pago, previa- mente relo remetente, 0 premio especia para 0 aviso de recep<;ao. Tambem se podera cobrar urn premio, a. escolha do paiz de ori- gem, em rela<;iio a qualquer quei- xa por qualquer irregularidade que nao tenha sido orir.·nada por culpa do servi<;o posta . Marking of requests. 3. Quando se pretender urn aviso de recep<;iio, 0 expedidor ou o correio de origem escrevera ou estampara na encomenda, duma. maneira visivel, as pahvras "Re- turn receipt requested ", "Advice of delivery requested", ou cla- ramente, as letras "A. R .". Indemnity. XII. INDEMNIZAQAO. jewelry, or any other precious article exchanged between the two Administrations is obliga- tory. If a parcel containing coin, bul- lion, jewelry, or any other pre- cious article is mailed unregis- tered, it shall be placed under reg- istration by the post office which first observes the fact of its hav- ing been mailed unreglstered, and treated in acco~dance with the regulations of the country plac- ing the matter under registration. 3. The Administration of ori- gin is entitled to fix its own fees for different limits of indemnity within the maximum provided. XI. RETURN RECEIPTS AND INQUIRIES. 1. The sender of a registered or insured parcel may obtain an advice of delivery upon payment of such additional charge, if any, as the country of origin of the parcel shall stipulate. 2. A fee may be charged, at the option of the country of origin, on a request for information as to the disposal of an ordinary parcel and also of a registered or insured parcel made after it has been posted if the sender has not already paid the special fee to obtain an advice of delivery. A fee may also be charged, at the option of the country of origin, in connection with any complaint of any irregularity which prima facie was not due to the fault of the Postal Service. 8. When an advice of delivery is desired, the sender or office of origin shall write or stamp on the parcel in a conspicuous manner, the words, "Return receipt re- quested ", "Advice of delivery re- Quested", or, boldly, the letters ,tAo R.". XII. INDEMNI 'IT. Allowance to sender. 1. Excepto nos casos de extra- 1. Except in cases of loss or vio ou damno por motivos de damage through force majeure