Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/990

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2666 CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEllBER 18, 1927. mant~ 0 depressa. possivel e o mais tardar dentro dum periodo de um ano a contar do dia se- guinte da data do pedido, paga- mento que sera. por conta da Administra~ii.o de de.stino no caso de ser sua a. responsabilidade do extravio, furto, ou damno, e ter sido devidamente notificada. Doferring p:.yment8. 11 . .A . Administra~ii.o de origem podera., contudo, nos casos indi- cados no numero precedente, ex- cepcionalmente demorar 0 paga- mento da indemniza~io por um periodo mais longo .do que 0 esti- pulado se, na ocasiio de expirar o mesmo periodo, noo tiver con- seguido determinar 0 destino dado ao objecto em questao ou a responsabihdade incorrida. Payment by conn- 12. Excepto nos (asos em que 0 try of origin If ooun try to~ . 1te of destination delays pagamen tl excepclOna men ninP months. demorado conforme prescrito no numero p~ecedente, 0 paiz de ori- ~m fica autorizado a pagar a mdemniza~iio por conta do paiz de destino sa este paiz, depois de ter sido devidamente informado sobre 0 pedido de indemniza~ii.o, deixar passar nove mesas sam solucionar 0 assunto. Country reeponslble. 13. A obriga~ao do pagamento de indemniza~s ficad. a cargo do paiz a que estiver subordinado o correio de origem. Esse paiz pode fazer a sua reclama<;io ao psiz responsavel, isto e, contra a Administra9io em cuios territo- rias ou servi~s se deram os ex- travios, furtos, ou damnas. Repayment to ooun- 14. 0 paiz responsavel pelo ex- try whlch pays. travio, furto ou damno, e por conta do qual 0 pagamento e £eito, e obrigado a reembolsar, com a importancia da indemniza- ~ii.o paga, 0 paiz que mer &;ae pagamento, sam demora e dentro de nove mesas depois de receber a notifica<;io do pagamento. Reimbursement on 15. Os reembolsos por indemni- golu basis. d' - ZS<;Oes e um palZ ao outro serao feitos na base ouro. Means to be Ulled. 16. Os reembolsos ,deverao ser feitos, livres de quaisquer despe- za;s ao paiz credor por meio de vales ou saques, em dinheiro va- lido no paiz credor,ou por outros a period of one year counting with the day following that on which the application is made, which payment shall be made on account of the Administration of destination, if that Administra- tion is responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage, and has been duly notified. 11. However, the Administra- tion of origin may, in the cases indicated in the foregoing sec- tion, exceptionally defer payment of indemnity for a longer period than that stIpulated if, at the ex- piration of that period, it has not been able to determine the dis- position made of the article in question or the responsibility in- curred. 12. Except in cases where pay- ment is exceptionally deferred as provided in the foregoing sec- tion, the country of origin is au- thorized to pay indemnity on behalf of the country of destina- tion if that country has, after being duly informed of the ap- plication for indemnity, let nine months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest WIth the country to which the mailing office is subordinate. That coun- try can make a claim on the country responsible, that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, rifling, or dam- age took place. 14. The country responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whose account payment is made is bound to repay to the country making payment on its behalf, without delay and within not more than nine months after receiving notice of payment, the amount of indemnity paid. 16. Reimbursements for in- demnity from one country to the other shall be made on the gold basis. 16. Repayments are to be made free of cost to the creditor coun- try by means of either a money order or a draft, in money valid in the creditor country, or by such