Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/991

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CONVENTION-PORTUGUESE WEST AFRICA. NOVEMBER 18, 1927. 2667 quaisquer meios que sejam mu- tuamente combinados por corre&- pondencia. 17. Enquanto se nao provar 0 contrario, a responsabilidade dl~ma encomenda registada ou encomenda com valor declarado cabe 0.0 paiz que, tendo recebido a encomenda sem fazer qualq.uer observa~iio e sendo-The fornecidas todas as particularidades neces- sarias para a sua inquiric;ao, nao souber indicar a forma como dispas dela. 18. A responsabilidade pelo ex- travio, furto, ou damno, duma encomenda registada ou en- comenda com valor declarado, descoberto pelo correio de per- mut~ao de destino no. ocasiao do. abertura dos receptaculos e devi- damente notificado ao correio expedidor de permutac;ao, em Boletim de Ver~fica~iio, recaira. sabre a Administrac;ao a que estiver subordinado 0 correio ex- pedidor de permutac;ao, a nao ser que se prove que 0 extravio, furto, ou damno se deu nos servic;os do. Administrac;ao de destino. 19. A responsabilidade do. in- clusao, empacotumento e selagem das encomendas registadas ou encomendas com valores declara- dos cabe 0.0 expedidor; e 0 servic;o postal de qualquer dos dois paizes nao assumira responsabihdades pelos extravios, furtos, ou damnos provenientes de defeitos que nao possam ser observados no acto do deposito. XIII. ENCOMENDAS EM TRANSITO. 1. Cada Administrac;ao garante a liberdade do transito, atravez do seu territorio, para qualquer paiz ou de qualquer paiz com que tenha comunicac;oes de encomen- das postais, das encomendas origi- narias de ou destinadas para ter- ritorio do. outra Administrac;ao contratante. 2. Cada Administrac;ao infor- mara. a . outra para que paizes podem ser expedidas encomendas por seu intermedio. 3. Para poderem ser aceites para transmissiio em transito, as other means as may be mutually agreed upon by correspondence. 17. Until the contrary is :a~ponslbi1lty of re- . ••• • celVIDg country unable proved, responsIbIlIty for a regIs- to show disposition. tered or insured parcel rests with the country which having re- ceived the parcel without making any observation and bein~ fur- nished all necessary particulars for inquiry is unable to show its proper disposition. 18 Responsl'b'lI'ty for 1 Dispatching office • .' I • OSS" responsible if loss, etc., rIfhng, or damage of a registered ~iscovered by recelv- . did' d b IDgoffice. or Insure parce Iscovere y the .. receiving office of exchange . at the time of opening the recep- tacles and duly not.lfied to the despatching office of exchange by Bulletin of Verification, shall fall upon the Admin:stration to which the despatching office of exchange is subordinate unless it be proved that the loss, rifling, or damage occurred in the service of the receivjng Administration. 19. The responsibility of prop- Sender responsihle •• for properly packmg, erly enclosmg, packmg, and seal- etc. ing registered and insured parcels rests upon the sender, and the postal service of neither country will assume liability for loss, rifling, or damage arising from defects which may not be ob- served at the time of posting. XIII. TRANSIT OF PARCELS. Transit parcels. 1. Each Administration guar- Right oftransit guar- h .hft't anteed. antees t e rIg t 0 ransI., over its territory, to or from any coun- try with which it has parcel post communication, of parcels ori¢- nating in or addressed for dehv- ery in the territory of the other contracting Administration. 2. Each Administration shall Notice to countries. inform the other to which coun- tries parcels may be sent through it as intermediary. 3. To be aecepted for onwanl Con!litio'!s to be . . I b complied With. tranSlIDSSlOn, parce S sent y one